Chapter 4: Grief

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"Do you think we'll ever be happy?" I asked Raven. We were walking through the farm area on harvesting duty. Raven was limping with her leg, but she's used to the pain, since the city of light, she's happy to be in pain because at least she can remember Finn and all the happy moments. You can't have happiness without sadness.
"Maybe, one day," Raven replied as she picked some strawberries and put them in her basket.
"Why do you think we're here?" I asked as I removed some weeds, "I mean, if you're religious you'd say God or one of the many Gods, but I doubt they exist and that's more how we are here. Or I guess The Big Bang but that's still how, not why."
"We are here because the Arc sent us down to check if Earth was inhabitable, well that's why you are here. I'm here to check on Clarke and the bracelets," Raven replied.
"Yeah. That seems ages ago. Things were so much simpler. Before the rest of the Arc came. Just us, The 100 and you," I replied thoughtfully.
"I guess. But we've found this place-"
"Who do you think is next?" I asked Raven, looking in her eyes, taking a break from pulling weeds.
"What do you mean?" Raven asked, looking back at me, putting the strawberries in the basket.
"Who do you think is next to die?" I whispered, looking at the floor, tears in my eyes.
"Somebody has to. Everyone I care about has died. Mays died, the girl at Luna's died. Monty is who knows where. I'm cursed. Everyone I love dies. So who's next?" I growled, angry and sad at the same time.
"Jasper," Raven softly said, pulling me into a hug, "we've all lost people, Finn... Sin Clair..." Raven mumbled, tears now in her eyes I grabbed her tighter in my arms.
"I'm sorry," I told her, whispering into her hair. She's right, we've all lost someone. I can't grieve forever and Raven means a lot me.

"Can all parties return to their meeting stations."

"I wonder what's happening," Raven asked after the announcement.
"I have no idea," I replied, I gave Raven a final squeeze before letting go.

* * *

We walked back to the main building and into the Great Hall. We weaved through the crowd until we saw Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia. "What's going on?" I asked Bellamy.
"No idea." Bellamy replied.
"More survivors?" Clarke suggested.
"Maybe," I replied.
"Or maybe not," Octavia muttered, she was sat down at the table. We were all stood then another announcement:

"All residents sit down in your designated seats."

I sat down in-between Raven and Bellamy, Clarke in-between Bellamy and Octavia. Men in white suits started to fill into the room, I had goosebumps, afraid. I saw Octavia pick up a table knife, all our weapons had been confiscated. Clarke and Bellamy shared a nervous glance and I nodded at Raven, she also had fear in her eyes. The white men began to approach us, with a machine. They were advancing to our area. "What's going on?" I whispered.
"I don't know but I don't like it," Octavia muttered back, slipping the knife down the waistband of her pants. The man in white was now closer, two people away, I felt nervous and so did the rest of us, it was like the Mountain all over again. He was now at Raven. "What's your name?" He sternly asked.
"Why do want to know?" Raven suspiciously asked, facing the man, her back towards us. I stared at him, white skin, dark eyes, black hair and a clean shave.
"It would be best if you complied, missy, now what's your name?" The man firmly said, with a hint of boredom in his tone. He held a machine in his hand. By now, another person in white had showed up and was about to grill Octavia. Octavia, the girl with the table knife down the waistband of her pants. Octavia, who never wanted to come here in the first place. Octavia, who gave a look that could kill and never challenge her to fight.
"I'm not telling you my name," Raven argued back, "I want to know why."
"Routine check, just comply," The man told her.

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