Chapter 5: Lies

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"Madam, what is your name?" The woman in white asked me. She was basically in a white hazard suit. I didn't trust her at all.
"What's your name?" I retorted, feeling for the knife in my waistband, I could easy take her.
"My name is Clara Watkins, now what is yours?" She answered, calm but stern.
"No. Why should I tell you?" I growled, taking a step closer to her.
"Because, this is a routine check of our residents and we wish to make you a citizen of the Survivors Guild," the woman responded.
"Can I have a minute to talk with my friends?" I asked her, suspicious.
"Of course," she replied.

I turned away and formed a circle with Bellamy, Clarke, Jasper and Raven. "Look, we could easy take these two, I don't trust this place," I muttered.
"Look, it's safe here, they would've separated us by now, split us up, harmed us, this isn't the Mountain and these people go outside," Bellamy responded.
"Then why the suits?" I argued, "something isn't right here, I know it-"
"Well," the woman interrupted me, "this place is perfectly safe, you can leave whenever you wish."
"Then let's go," I demanded my team, "this place is dangerous, I can feel it."
"Well, actually, you can't leave just yet," the woman informed us, "you have to be logged into the system."
"The system?" I questioned, "what system?"
"Just your name and clan so we can keep your room open and give you jobs and make you welcome here, free medicine and food. Clothes. Anything you need you can have, once your a citizen," Clara informed us.

"Take off your helmet," I demanded.
"What?" Clara asked, shocked.
"Take it off, if you're who you say you are, then take off the helmet," I demanded again.
"Why?" Clara asked, bored.
"Take it off!" I yelled.
"May I remind you to not shout, this is a peaceful facility and-"
"Take it off!" I yelled again.
"Fine," Clara muttered and removed her helmet, I stared at her light-skinned face, waiting for the radiation to consume her, but nothing. I scanned her brown eyes for any signs of pain, but again... nothing.
"He takes his off too," I ordered, pointing at the man next to Raven.
"Robert, could you take your helmet off, please," Clara asked the man.
"Why?" Robert asked.
"Just, the newcomers want to see our faces, take it off please," Clara said, boredom in her tone.
"Okay," he replied with a smirk and again, nothing happened.
"Now will you tell me your name and clan?" Clara asked me.
I just stared. I looked at Bellamy for guidance, he stared back and nodded as if to say it's my choice.
Clara rolled her eyes and said, "Look, if we were going to kill you or harvest you for blood we wouldn't be giving you water and showers and rooms and clothes and food, we would just kill you. We wouldn't ask for your name or clan, because we would just kill you. Now tell me your name and clan."
"Octavia Blake, The 100," I muttered, she put it in her system.
"The 100 isn't a clan-"
"SkaiKru," Bellamy interrupted.
"Okay, next."
"Bellamy Blake," Bellamy told her and then he stood next to me, and gave me a squeeze.
"Clarke Griffin-"
"Wanheda, didn't expect you here," Clara responded to Clarke and then walked past.
"Jasper Jordan."
"Raven Reyes."

"Good, now you're all in our system, follow me, please," Clara announced and she led us out of the main hall and into a restricted zone. She then led us into a room and there was six chairs, we were informed to sit down and we did. We stared at her and at the sixth chair. "Who's chair is that?" Jasper asked.
"You'll see," she replied.
"Maybe it's Monty," Jasper whispered to Raven, but she just nodded and looked down, like she knew something we didn't. The room was silent for ages, Clara was messing with machines at the front of the room. The chairs were slightly uncomfortable, I was still nervous, I don't trust this place. Minutes ticked by and the only sound was the clock ticking.

"Let me go! LET ME GO!" A shout cried out, outside our room. I turned my head to the door, the voice was familiar.
"Get your hands off of me!" The man shouted again, "get off of me! LET ME GO!" It was right outside the door. I went to stand up, when I felt something restrict me. We all looked down and saw the chair had extended metal bars, restricting us to the chairs. We looked at Clara, "This is only to keep you safe," she told us, a worried look in her eye.
"You bitch," I spat.
"LET ME GO!" The door burst open.

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