Chapter 16: Training

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Clang. Clang. Clang. I awoke to the sound of metal being hit by something and then Rose shouting, "Wake up."
I slowly opened my eyes and I could hear grunts, yawns and moans. My ribs ached from the beating of yesterday and my eyes felt heavy. I was still dazed and sleepy as I came round from my slumber. I got down from my bunk, Jasper was sat up underneath me. Octavia was leant against the wall in between our bunks, Clarke sat up on hers and Bellamy was walking to the bathroom.

"You have ten minutes to get ready, there's an apple for each of you on the table," Rose explained as she pointed towards the table at the end of her bunk. I rubbed my eyes, and walked towards the showers. I changed quickly and then re-entered the bedroom, grabbing an apple. I chewed the apple and took a swig of water from a water bottle on the table. We were ready in five.

* * *

Rose led us out the door and we turned right, heading into the one storey building opposite the asylum. The building was small and inside had a ladder, Rose led us underground. The new room had black tiled floors and grey stone walls, no windows. There was a bathroom, a pool, weights, punching bags, pull up bars, treadmills and a white cuboid. Rose led towards the cuboid, where a man stood with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hagan?" Rose said, as she stared at the man in confusion, they were stood in front of the glass doors the cube, we were watching.
"Wolfie?" He asked, "where've you been?"
"They locked me up. After the... Incident, they locked me up. I've seen Clara, unfortunately," Rose explained to him.
"Not here," Rose cut in and then she looked at us, "this is my group. Newcomers, from the space ship. Alek was right."
"Yeah, he was," Hagan nodded, serious.
"Anyway," Rose said, turning to us, "this is a training simulator, watch and learn," Rose grabbed a belt of five knives,  nodded at Hagan and walked through the glass doors, they shut behind her. "Every bullet feels real," she said, her voice coming through the intercom on the side of white cube.
"Ready?" Hagan called and she put her thumb up.

A mannequin popped up at the back her, she ran and slid under his legs, stabbing him in the back of his head. One popped up in the centre she ran and jumped ontop of his shoulders, and slit his throat. The mannequin went down under her feet, she crouched as two popped up at either side. She waited for the guns to fire and jumped over the bullets in time and watched as they entered the mannequins. One popped up behind her and grabbed her throat, she stabbed him in his hand and then in the head. One popped up at the back of her again, she ran and jumped on to his shoulders and dug the knife into his head, making he mannequin fall over. Another popped up, blocking the door. A gun fired and the door became covered in red 'blood', the door opened and all that was there was Rose, dropping to her knees, the gun falling from her hands. She stared at the floor and the gun. Lost in her mind.

Hagan ran in, "Rose? Rose, Rose," he repeated over and over again, shaking her. She was unresponsive, staring at the spot on the floor, clutching a locket in her right hand, the left hand placed on the floor, where she was staring. Hagan continued to shake her, we all watched.

"What's wrong with her?" Octavia whispered, she was stood behind me, Clarke in my right, Bellamy on Clarke's right and Jasper on Octavia's left.
"She never fired a gun or something?" I sarcastically said with an awkward chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
"It's that look," Clarke begun to say, "the look of seeing a lost one."
"Maybe she's not so different after all," I said, my tone gentle.
"She's still one of them," Jasper disagreed with slight disgust.
"Yeah, and so are we," I snarled, looking at Jasper.
"We are not them." Jasper snapped and he moved to stand next to Bellamy.
"Some mentor or whatever," Jasper grumbled to Bellamy. I could hear them talking, not their words but their voices.

I watched her, closely. Clutching the locket as if her life depended on it. Staring at the empty space like she willed someone to be there. Hagan continuously shaking her and calling her name. People behind us watching. Clarke and Octavia watching. I saw a single tear fall from her eyes and hit the floor. Another one started to fall and she wiped it away. She grabbed the knife, and threw it. It skimmed my head. I shit myself. It happened to fast for me to react. I turned my head and saw it hit a target behind me. I looked back and I heard a sob. She looked at Hagan and he pulled her up, he held her close. I felt water in my eyes. Why could I not stop looking at this girl? My ribs still ached from her beating, so why did I feel sorry for her? Why did I want to wipe away her tears and make her smile?

Author's Notes: Sorry for the random updates, I've been busy with school and guitar and writing two non-fanfic stories. I've also been dealing with some personal issues, and I'm kinda struggling with this story. I'll try and be more regular, thanks for reading :)

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