Chapter 37: Walk

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I stared at her face as we walked through the woods, all of us silent. Her face was peaceful and her eyes shut as she tried to sleep, weak from the blood loss and disease. Every once in a while, she'd cough and vomit more blood, but I'd be there, soothing her, telling her it'll be okay, telling her I won't leave her and that we're almost there. I can't lose her. I can't lose Emori. I wanted to hug her and hold her hand, but my hands clenched the two logs of the fake-stretcher.

I looked ahead of me and saw Bellamy looking at me; he was walking backwards as he held the fake-stretcher with me. "You don't have to feel sorry for me," I broke the silence as I looked at Bellamy, he looked at the floor.
"I don't," Bellamy responded, his voice hoarse, and then his eyes looked at mine, "I'm sure she'll make it."
"I hope so," I mumbled looking down at Emori. Her mouth had dried blood coming out the corners and her skin was a greenish colour, I could feel her heat radiating towards me. I then looked ahead, "How far?" I called out.
"Well," Rose shouted back to us, "this is the old camp." I looked slightly to the left and saw the burnt out fire pit of our first camp.

"We should have a water break," Jasper called from behind me, him, Monty and Harper were walking behind, protecting us. Rose led with Clarke, and Octavia walked on the left us, Raven on the right.
"We haven't got time," I argued, as everyone came to a stop, including Bellamy, preventing me from walking.
"We won't make it if we die of dehydration," Raven sternly said, looking at me.
Clarke came walking over to us, "They're right, Murphy, we need a drink at least," she then went in her rucksack and pulled a bottle of water out, she handed it out for me.
I shook my head, "Princess, we can't stop. I don't want your water."
She pushed the bottle closer to me, "Drink." She then looked at Emori and at me, "She needs you to be strong. You need to be hydrated if you want both of you to live. A five minute break won't hurt."

I stared at the bottle and then looked at the Princess and at Bellamy, he nodded. I sighed, "No longer then five."
"I promise," Princess said, and then she called out, "Alright, water break."

* * *

Me and Bellamy lowered Emori on the floor, I sat next to her as I took a sip of water from the Princess. Bellamy came and sat next to me, Octavia, Jasper, Monty and Harper sat around the old fire. Rose, Raven and Princess stood the furthest away, going over the plans again. Each of us with a bottle of water taking sips. I stared at Emori and she opened her eyes and coughed and spluttered again.
"Hey, hey," I soothed, "I got you," as I rolled her over and as she spat blood all over the floor.
"Thank you," Emori choked.
"We're a team," I told her, my voice soft and sad. She laid back on her back and I wiped her mouth with the bottom of my shirt before placing the water to her mouth, she gulped it down.
"We are a good team," Emori smiled after swallowing the water, she then closed her eyes.
"Yeah, we are," I mumbled, as I held her hand.

"She will make it," Bellamy croaked from behind my shoulder.
I half-snapped, "I know she will," still staring at Emori.
"We're a team too, Murphy," Bellamy told me, sincerity in his tone, I still stared at Emori, remaining silent, he then continued, "When we get out of here, there's a place for both of you with us. What happened back at the dropship doesn't matter. We are a team now."
I looked at him and coldly said, "And what happens when one of your friends wants me gone? Raven was prepared to give me up instead of Finn, after I saved her life."
"Don't worry about that," Bellamy shook his head, "you are one of us, Murphy."
I stared at him, his facial expression serious, I then replied, sincere, "You best tell them that."
Clarke then shouted, "Break time over, we need to move." And we got to our positions.

Author's Notes: This story is getting so many reads, a couple days ago it had 800 and now it has 830+ Thank you to anyone reading this, it means a lot. This story means a lot because for awhile I was struggling and this show and story have sparked something in me that I thought I'd lost. So thank you, thank you all so much.

Also, I've been writing a The 100/TWD/FTWD Fanfiction and hopefully you guys will read it. It will have "Clexa" (Alicia and Clarke) so if there's any Clexa fans, look forward to that.

Thanks once again.

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