Chapter 32: Secrets

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"The Sewers?" Jasper repeated. We were all sat around the fire, Bellamy went to get the others and we were going through the plan. Harper and Monty were sat on a log, their backs towards the lake, Monty's arm over Harper. Jasper was sat on another log with Raven, next to Monty and Octavia sat on the floor next to Jasper, her back resting against a tree. Me and Bellamy were stood, facing the lake explaining the plan. Murphy and Rose were sat together on my left, Bellamy on my right.

"Yes," I confirmed, nodding my head. We found some paper in the bunker and Rose had produced a map for us as well as highlighting the route of the sewers, I pointed to the route, "The entrance to the sewers is southwest, to the right of the asylum in the woods. We'd have to be careful, but that's how we get in."
"And then what?" Octavia asked, "what happens next?"
Bellamy cleared his throat, "We will need uniforms, we'll come out in the prison section of farm station and Rose will take us to the uniform room. Then we need to get to the main hall. We'll steal a truck and we can drive through the village-"
"The system," Rose interrupted and Bellamy and I turned to look at her. She put her hands up in surrender.

"The system," Bellamy nodded, then he continued, "Rose will drive us through it, we'll have to hide in the back with guns and whatever else. We'll make it to a bridge, a checkpoint. This is where action will take place-"
"We're gonna kill more people?" Jasper numbly said.
I looked at the ground, "Yes," I nodded, and then I looked at Raven, "We need you to create us fake profiles, add us into the guard. That's the only way we can avoid detection and killing people."
Raven looked at me, "How do I do that?"
Rose stood up and stood next to me, "Before we go, I'll sneak you into Blue block, we can make a portable device that will allow you to break into our system, but we only have five minutes before the hack will be removed."
"Okay," Raven nodded, "so the final checkpoint is where things get nasty?"
I nodded, "There's three check points, the virus in the software should last long enough for the first two."
Raven nodded, "Then once we reach the final checkpoint?"

I concluded, "We get in the truck and we keep driving until we reach the end of their territory, they don't mess with grounders, they're afraid of them."
"As easy as that?" Raven looked at me, her eyebrow raised.
"Should be," I sighed.
"So when do we leave?" Octavia asked.
Bellamy answered, "In three days, we camp here tonight and then make our way to the Asylum," Bellamy nodded, "we leave tomorrow night as soon as it reaches dark. That way we'll less likely to be detected."
"Sounds like a plan," Jasper nodded, "so what do we do now?"
I looked Rose and she unzipped her hoodie and pulled out a bottle of beer, "We celebrate," Rose nodded.
"Wait," Murphy interrupted and stood up, walking over to Rose, "What about your friends?"
"Yeah," Raven agreed, "What about that blonde chick?"
"And Hagan?" Bellamy suggested.

Rose shook her head, "Hagan will be on the guard, he might help. He might come with us." Rose stopped, silent and began opening the bottle of whiskey. We were watching her, waiting for her to tell us about Clara. "And Clara?" I softly said.
Rose sighed, "The less she knows the better," then she firmly said, "she's not coming."
I nodded. And Jasper cheered, "Alright then! Let's get drunk!"

* * *

"I'll be a minute," I told them and I started to walk back towards the bunker, I opened it and made my way to the counter. I had the map with me and got out another piece of paper and started to copy it down.
"You don't have to do that now," a husky voice said, scaring me.
I jumped, "You scared me," I said as I looked at Bellamy, he was leaning against the wall behind me.
"Sorry," he mumbled, and then I heard him walk towards me, he stood sidewards, looking at me, "you don't have to do that now," he repeated.
"I know," I said, focusing on the piece of paper, "but it's important that more than one of us has a map."
"Yeah," Bellamy quietly muttered, "but this is our last night before we escape."
"I'll celebrate once we have made it out," I firmly told him, still not looking at him.
"What's wrong?" Bellamy asked me. I ignored him, Bellamy put his hand under my chin and made me look at him, "What's wrong?" He repeated.
I shook my head and looked back at my map, "Nothing," I sighed. I then chucked the pencil at the counter, I looked at him, his brown eyes kind and gentle, "it's just - it's just, how can we trust her? I feel like there's something wrong. Something she's not telling us about this place."
Bellamy nodded, "I feel it too. Something happened when she met Maria, and something happened with Clara. We haven't seen her since she left."
I nodded, "And it's not just that. What are the experiments? There's something wrong here. Rose isn't telling us something, and we need to find out what."

We were silent for a few seconds, thinking. Something is wrong, there is something she isn't telling us. But what is it? And how would we find out? And what is going on with Clara?

"Murphy," Bellamy broke the silence. I looked at him, my forehead creased, waiting for his explanation, Bellamy continued, "Murphy is close to her, he might know something."
I shook my head, "He won't tell us."
Bellamy stated, "He will if Emori is involved."
"We have no idea-"
"No we don't know where she is, but I bet Rose does," Bellamy stated. And then he bent down and opened the rucksack filled with alcohol, "Let's join them."
"How is this going to help?" I shook my head.
"Alcohol makes you talk. And I'll deal with Murphy," Bellamy said, "he trusts me more than you."
I nodded and I followed Bellamy out the bunker, the alcohol bag on his back.

Author's Notes: sorry I haven't uploaded in a week, I was with Family. I hope you had a happy holiday. I will be uploading every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Season 4 is one month away! Happy New Year!

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