Chapter 25: Truth

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"So what's your story?" I asked Rose. The fire still burning and she had stopped shivering now, my body heat and the blanket must've warmed her up. Her pale cheeks had a slight rosiness to them. I looked at her face closely, I could see freckles and the scar I still didn't know about. Yes I loved Emori, and I always will, but I felt something for Rose too.

"My story?" Rose repeated, and then she shook her head, "my life is boring."
"I know that's a lie," I said gently, "you clearly have some issues, especially with that girl," and then I smirked, "she clearly didn't have the upper hand."
"Why do you want to know?" Rose dismissed my humour.
"I told you my story, trust works both ways," I said firmly, looking into her blue eyes.

"We were sent to test America," Rose quietly mumbled, looking down at the floor, "England was habitable about ten, fifteen years ago, they didn't tell us that. So they sent us, one hundred of us, in the only plane left on this Earth, to see how America was doing," Rose looked up at me, "Only twenty nine of us survived the crash. They were either crushed or blew up with the plane," Rose shook her head and tears fell from her bright blue eyes. Rose continued, "We made it to here, twenty-three of us, another six died due to natural causes -" she looked me dead in they eye, "starvation, cold, thirst, suicide." she turned her head towards the fire and scowled at it, "we arrived here. We thought it would be safe, all our troubles gone. It wasn't like that at all." Rose looked back at me, I saw the pain in her eyes, "They trained us to fight and use computers, they told our families we were dead! They were going to use us. In some sick game where we'd fight each other to determine the strongest ones. They were going use us like animals to reproduce and make strong children. We have no freedom, we can't leave." Rose stared at me, "We had to leave. Ten of us made it out. Ten dead. And then just me, Hagan and Clara are left," Rose looked away from me, tears started falling from her eyes and she sobbed, "They killed Melody!" I pulled her into my chest, wrapping my arms around her. Rose moved and sat so that her legs were wrapped around my waist and her hands in front of her face. My arms wrapped around her back and held her tight, my legs parted where her bum was. Her tears soaking my shirt.

I held her until her tears stopped flowing. I wish I could help her. Her blue eyes puffy and red. She's had the same shitty experience as us. The 100. Her lover is dead, I know what it feels like to feel like they've gone. I thought I lost Emori with the chip, but she's fine. And I know she's out there somewhere, you feel it inside. You know when they are dead and when they are alive. Emori is out there.

A branch snapped.

Rose shot up and whispered, "What was that?"
"Probably a deer or something," I mumbled, looking at her tear streaked face.
She gestured for me to be quiet and she carefully walked towards the direction of the branch snapping, which was behind us. I carefully stood up too. Rose walked forward. I walked with her. I saw a figure, Rose did too. She ran up to it and slammed it against a tree, pulling her knife out and putting it to her throat.
"What's happening?" Octavia asked, alarmed as she got to her feet, along with Jasper. Clarke and Bellamy also came running over to the tree. I turned back, wrapped some cloth around a big stick and set it on fire. I walked over to Rose.

"What are you doing here?" Rose hissed. I shone the torch on the person and it was a blonde haired, brown eyed girl...Clara.
"Please, Wolfie, listen!" Clara pleaded.
"Don't call me that!" Rose snapped, the knife against Clara's throat, "What are you doing here?" Rose repeated.
"Esmé isn't dead!" Clara blurted out.
"Bullshit!" Rose retorted, "they captured her because of you! They killed Melody because of you! They killed Delilah because of you!" Rose grabbed Clara by her clothes and shoved her against the tree, forcefully.
Jasper came and stood next to me, we were stood a couple metres behind Rose and Clara towards the left, Bellamy and Clarke slightly further back than us towards the right and Octavia was sat around the fire. Jasper shook his head and went to join Octavia.

"Wolfie, I didn't stitch you up!" Clara said, a begging tone to her voice, "It wasn't me, I swear! Like I said, why would I let Noah get away with it? Of all the people, he'd have been the one to get killed!"
"I don't know, maybe they just didn't get to him in time," Rose dismissed her, pressing the blade slightly more into her neck.
"Maybe she's telling the truth," Clarke interjected and Rose turned to look at her.
"Stay out of this! You don't know anything about this!" Rose snapped, pointing towards Clarke with the knife.
Rose turned back towards Clara, and placed the knife over her throat, "I can help get you out," Clara spoke.
"Bullshit!" Rose spat and slammed Clara against the tree again.
"Hear her out," Clarke interjected again.
"Fine," Rose snapped, she pressed the knife against Clara's skin, making it bleed a little, "you have a minute to convince me before I slit your throat."
"I can show you Esmé. Esmé betrayed us, I got kept behind because she hates me, Noah went because she loves him. Deliah got killed because she's Esmé's sister. Melody died because, because, I don't know why, Wolfie. I can help get you and your friends out. All of them, those I'm looking after too. I've already been using them to get data about this place. Monty is incredibly good at hacking-"
"Monty?" Jasper repeated, he walked past me, nudging me, and straight up to Rose and Clara. "Is Monty okay? Is Raven okay? And Harper?"
"Yes, they're fine," Clara nodded, "I can bring you to them," Clara then looked at Rose, "I can take you to Esmé and get you weapons."
"How can I trust you?" Rose demanded.
"I'll let you kill me if you don't see Esmé." Clara stated.
"Okay, we leave now, he comes with me," Rose pointed to me.
Jasper then asked, "When do we see Monty?"
Clara responded, "I'll bring them back with Wolfie. But that means we can never be seen by any guards again, or we'll be dead."
Rose laughed, "We can't go back anyway."

Author's Notes: I'm sorry this is more of a Murphy fanfiction, but I plan to continue this story for as long as possible, maybe even making a second story. Also, I hope you like the character of Rose/Wolfie, this chapter was written so you could kinda get to know her.

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