Chapter 11: Stripped

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They led us down many white corridors with no windows and artificial lights. It reminded me much of the mountain, I didn't trust this place one bit, and all I could think of was Maya. I missed her so much and I still resented Clarke, but I knew I had to trust her. I had to follow her lead and hopefully she'd get us all out of here. We stopped at a door with a keycard lock, Clara scanned the card and we entered the new room. I say room, but it was the outside. Masses of forest laid out in front of us, we could hear screams and gun shots and see flares and gases. What is this place?

"Welcome to The Cloud Realm, This is where you will take your tests," Clara announced as she gestured to the many trees behind her.
"Why are we here?" Octavia asked in a monotone voice.
"You're the curious one, I gather," a strange man noted as he walked up to us, he had glasses and slicked back grey hair, that finished just above his shoulders, he was in a white lab coat, like Clara, a blue shirt, white trousers and black shoes - this seemed to be the running uniform.
"What's it to you what I am?" Octavia growled, aggression in her tone and then she spat on the floor. We were still stood in the same line we exited the cell in, Clara and the stranger stood in front of us, in front of the forest and screams.
"And quite aggressive, I hope you do well, let's not have the curiosity kill the cat," the old man chuckled, "I should probably introduce myself, my name is Charles, Edward Charles. I will be your examiner. So, Clara, who do we have here?"
"Skai Kru." Clara stated, giving him a glance, then returned to staring at us.
"You're missing two?" Charles asked, he was looking at some sort of device and making notes, it was touch screen, like an iPad or tablet we'd been taught about on the Arc.
"They are in the changing rooms, sir, awaiting these, as you can see, these need to be showered and uniformed."
"Already chipped?"
"As soon as they came through, sir."
"Good, good," Charles looked up at us, "right, follow me."

Charles walked to the front of our line and began leading us down the side of the building to where we came at a stop, he put his hand out to the forest and we saw a ripple, "This is a force field," Charles informed us, "you cannot escape through the Cloud Realm, nothing can get out or in, you are safe." A door then opened in the brick work and we saw a tiled area, it had black floor tiles and white wall towels, with two other doors and a black bench in the middle. There was also lockers on the back wall. Charles gestured for us to sit down and we did.

"Right, so this is the shower chamber, put your clothes into the lockers and then walk through a door, Girls on the right and boys on the left. Once you get past the shower chamber you will be greeted by another set of lockers, these contain your uniforms and then sit down on the bench in that room and await me, see you soon," Charles said and then he exited. It was just Skai Kru.

"So what do we do now, Clarke?" Octavia asked, she was stood near the door Charles lead us through, although it looked like the door never existed. Clarke was standing by the lockers, Bellamy next to her, I was also stood by the entrance, Murphy had sat down and Raven stood on the right side of the room, leaning against the wall.
"I don't know, do what he says. We can't get back through that way," Clarke replied.
"What if we stay in these clothes? Try the door," Octavia suggested. Raven went to pull on the girls door handle.
"Locked," Raven stated, "they must be watching us, they must know when we... Aren't wearing anything."
"Cos that's not creepy at all," Murphy sarcastically laughed.
"How are we going to do this? I don't want to see my brother naked," Octavia huffed.
"Just, we'll go to the right, I guess and face the right, they go left and face left," Clarke instructed.
"What if I wanna look?" Murphy smirked.
"Then I'll gouge your eyes out," Octavia spat.
"Noted," Murphy chuckled, holding his hands up in defence and heading to the left, I walked over to the left wall to, along with Bellamy. "How do we know when to get naked?" Murphy asked, a serious note to his voice.
"Now, if you want," Clarke called.
"Okay," Murphy shouted back.

I stared at the wall and removed my grey cotton jumper, I focused on the wall, nothing else. I didn't want to see anyone or anything. I took off my boots, and saw Murphy and Bellamy do the same. Everything was silent except for the sound of clothes and boots hitting the floor. The air felt cold as I took off my trousers and I left it there.
"So, um, so, do, do we take, do we take off our, um, underwear?" I nervously asked, stuttering.
"I think so," Clarke called.
I nodded and stripped.
"We ready to go?" Bellamy asked, everything felt awkward.
"Yeah," Clarke responded.

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