Chapter 42: Glass

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"What was that?" Harper asked as the building shook. We were in a basement of Blue Block Tower, Clarke and Harper guarding the door as me and Monty fixed tiny parts of the radio and hacking device, following instructions left by Clara on how to make it. To say Rose found her dead body and was responsible for it, she still helped us out quite a lot. "How are we supposed to know?" I responded, "We're all in the same room, no windows, only one way out."
"How long have we got?" Clarke asked, ignoring both me and Harper, "How long till it's done?" She asked as she came over to the table me and Monty were at.

"Not long, don't worry, Clarke, it'll be done in no time," I reassured her.
She walked back to the door, "Do you think they're alright?" Clarke asked to nobody in particular.
"Yeah," Monty replied, "They've got Octavia, she'll keep them safe."
"And Bellamy," Harper added, "he's good with guns."
I looked up at Clarke, our eyes meeting, "They'll be fine. He'll be fine, Bellamy's a big boy, he can take care of himself."
Clarke looked away and at the door, "I hope you're right."
"I am," I firmly said, "you should have more confidence in him. He pulled through at the Mountain, he'll pull through again." I then looked back at the device in my hands, following Clara's instructions. I added the finishing touches and turned it back around, the screen on the front lit up and made a noise. "Hell Yeah!" I cheered and Monty smiled at me.
"The radio works too," Monty smiled and we high-fived.
"We did it!" I cheered and then I stood up and walked over to Clarke, "We can go now."

* * *


The building shook and a massive explosion sounded, I stood up and marched to the metal door, my gun poised.
"What was that?" Jasper whispered and I heard him walk across to me. Octavia walked to the hole.
"I don't know," I said, tense. I heard a cough and I turned around to see Murphy waking up.
"What's going on?" He sleepily mumbled and then he coughed and vomited on the floor at the side of him.
"Nice," Octavia sarcastically said as she grabbed a bottle of water from the rucksack she brought, she gave it Murphy.
"John?" I heard Emori croak and I looked at her, her skin was back to normal. I walked over to her and put my hand on her head, she felt normal.

Murphy started to take out his needle and started to stand up, he stumbled and as he nearly hit the floor, I caught him. "Easy," I soothed him, "the drugs haven't worn off."
"You're telling me?" Murphy sarcastically laughed as he stood up and leant against Emori's table, he stared at her, "How do you feel?"
"Tired," Emori yawned.
Murphy stared at her, concern on his face, his voice worried, "And apart from that? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, John," Emori quietly told him. Murphy sighed in relief and he kissed her passionately on the lips.
"I thought I was going to lose you," he weakly said, a tear rolling down his cheek as he kissed her again.
"You can't get rid of me that easy," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep, "We're a team remember?"
"The best," Murphy nodded and then he removed the needle in Emori's neck, he stood up and said, "Can you get her some water please?" He still stared into her eyes. He looked at her like she was his universe, like she was the centre of his world. The way I feel about Clarke. But at least the feeling is mutual between Emori and Murphy. Clarke doesn't even notice my existence, she's still in love with Lexa, and if not Lexa, Finn. Gina loved me, and I loved her, but I didn't need her like I need Clarke.

Octavia handed Emori a bottle of water and she chugged it down. "Easy," Murphy lightly laughed.
Emori smiled, "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Murphy smiled, and then he hugged her and kissed her again, "I love you, y'know that, right?"
"I love you too," Emori firmly stated.
I then heard a bang on the door, me and Jasper quickly turned around and aimed our guns. Murphy looked towards us, "Wait, where's Rose?" He asked.

I remained silent and watched the door, it moved open and we fired, the door was open a crack and then a voice, "Hold your fire!" It called. Rose. I put my gun down and nodded at Jasper. Rose pushed the door open, leaning on it for support, blood running down the left side of her face, glass sticking in her left leg and soaking her black trousers. Her hair in a messy ponytail and her fringe sticking to her face with the blood, her blue eyes in pain and cloudy with tears. She had dirt covering her clothes, which was a guard uniform. Her hands covered in dirt with grazes on them.
"What happened to you?" I asked.
Rose stared at me, "I caused the explosion. Fell from three stories," Rose explained, her voice serious and her face showing her pain. She then looked at Emori and Murphy. She then looked at me, "Sun is setting, we need to move."

I nodded at her and she limped down the corridor, I followed her, Murphy and Emori behind me, Murphy holding Emori's hand, Jasper behind them and Octavia walking last. Rose used the walls for support. We walked up some white stairs and then she scanned a door with a card and it opened revealing the forest. I looked behind me and saw the Asylum in bits and pieces, a large fire and broken glass. Rose emerged and fell flat on her face on the dirt. I saw some people running towards. Her blonde hair in the wind. "Clarke!" I called.
"Bellamy!" She called back as she ran past Rose and pulled me into a hug, "I thought you were dead when we saw the rubble."
"We're fine," I told her as she pulled back to look at my face, and then I saw Rose on the floor, trying to get up, "You need to help her." Clarke turned around and stared at Rose.

Clarke knelt down beside her, she grabbed a knife from Rose's waist band and cut her trouser leg before the knee. She removed the cut off cloth. She stared at the large shard of glass, Clarke then looked at Jasper, "I need you to run to the explosion and heat up your knife, be quick."
"Okay," Jasper nodded and he ran, Monty going with him.
Clarke looked at Rose, who was laid in the foetus position, clutching my hand, "This is going to hurt."
"I don't care," Rose groaned in agony, "take it out of me. And do it fast."
"Okay," Clarke nodded and I came and knelt beside Rose and grabbed her hand, she squeezed it so tight I thought my fingers were going to break. Emori and Murphy stood behind Clarke watching, holding each other's hands. Octavia knelt down beside me and looked at Rose. Harper and Raven watching from behind Rose's head. Rose cried. Clarke grabbed the glass shard, and she pulled it out making Rose scream a high pitch scream and cry, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her hand clutching mine for life.
"I'm sorry," Clarke apologised.

Jasper came running back, "Here!" He passed Clarke the knife. Clarke breathed in sharply and then pressed the burning blade against Rose's skin, making her scream again. An ear shattering scream, she clenched my hand even tighter, my fingers going numb, more tears pouring out her eyes. Clarke then grabbed a bottle of alcohol from Octavia's bag and poured it over the ripped cloth and tied it around Rose, who was shaking and crying because of the pain.
"It's okay," I soothed her, it's easy to forget that she's still a kid, like all of us here. Rose sat up, her left leg straight in front of her, her right one under it. I pulled her into a hug and her tears soaked my shirt and she wrapped her arms around me, mine around her. I held her tight.
"We have to go," Murphy muttered and I looked at him, his own blue eyes looked sad. I could tell he cared for Rose, but she betrayed him and Emori was his world.

Author's Notes: I'm going to upload everyday this week because there's 10 chapters left to publish and I want to start publishing my other stories. I hope you enjoy.

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