Chapter 31: Plans

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"Murphy," Emori whispered in my ear. We were in the cave, laid on the floor, spooning as daylight came through. Her whisper woke me up. She rolled over, onto her back, her brown eyes looking at me. I held her good hand, her bad one was covered, she never unwrapped, no matter how much I told her it was okay, it didn't bother me. And that's the truth, she's the only person that loves me, she is so beautiful, an outcast like me.

I gently leaned in to kiss her. My left arm was under her head, my right hand holding her hand. I looked at her face, it was so beautiful, the tattoo that was there. Her hair wasn't in the hat she usually wore. Her hair was free, I played with a loose strand with my left hand. "You're so beautiful," I quietly whispered, "I love you."
Emori smiled, "You're soft," she then bit her lip and put her good hand on my head and pulled me close, I kissed her lips, more than once, slowly and gently. I moved my lips to her neck and kissed her, I then hovered next to her ear and whispered, "I'm quite the opposite, actually." She giggled and looked at her brown eyes, so warm and inviting, sparkling with happiness. I then smiled and said, "It's true."
She shook her head smiling, "What did I do to deserve you?"
"Well, you're stuck with me," I shrugged, playfully, not taking my eyes off hers.
"I'm glad," she softly said, and she pulled me close again, our lips meeting.
"I wish we could stay here forever," I sadly said, not looking at her eyes, but looking at my hand on her stomach.
"Me too," Emori sighed and then she started to move, she got her knees and gave me a kiss on the lips before standing up. "We got things to do, like finding my brother," Emori clearly said as she started to put her jeans on, her back facing me.
"Yeah, we do," I casually said as I looked at her back, she had a beautiful body, and then I said, "And trying to survive."

She looked at me over her shoulder as she put her top on and she smirked, "Just another day on the ground. Bet you wish you were still up there."
I shook my head, and sarcastically said, "Yeah, I loved it up there, with Pike punching me in the face and the Princess scowling at me. Best time of my life."
"Sounds like it," Emori smiled and she bent down and kissed me again, then she said, "Time to get up, Murphy."
I pulled her arm and made her fall onto me, "I wish it wasn't," I kissed her neck.
"C'mon," she said, propping herself up using my chest and her knees at either side of me.
"Okay," I groaned.

* * *

I woke up, the bunker pitch black. Just a dream, I miss her and I will find her, wherever she is. I stretched my arm out to find the other side of the bed was cold. Rose had left. I sat up, my legs on the floor and I looked over my shoulder, Jasper had fell asleep on the sofa, Octavia on the floor. I stood up and looked at the bunk above me, Monty and Harper were laid together, Harper resting her head on his chest, his arms around her, both of them fast asleep.

I looked to the end of the bunker, to where the ladder was, the sofa with Clarke and Bellamy was empty. I sighed, I picked up my hoodie from the bottom bunk next to me and put it on. It was kinda cold in the bunker, I walked to the end towards the ladder, tiptoeing to make sure I didn't disturb anyone. I put my hands on the cold metal ladder and started to climb up it, I pulled the latch on the lid of the bunker, unlocking it and I pushed it up. I climbed out and put it down.

I could hear whispers and the sound of a burning fire along with the sound of the waterfall, I turned around, to see Clarke and Bellamy and Rose gathered around a fire, a few metres away from the bunker entrance and lake. I walked towards them.
"- so how do we do that?" Bellamy asked Rose.
"Do what?" I asked, standing in between Clarke and Bellamy, who had their backs towards me. I looked down and saw Rose had drawn a map in the mud with a stick, which she held in her hands.

"Are the others up yet?" Bellamy asked me, ignoring my question.
I shook my head and then asked, "So you gonna tell me about your plan or what?"
Clarke nodded and then begun to explain, "We can get out, but it's going to be pretty hard-"
"Doesn't take a genius to work that out, Princess," I sarcastically said.
She ignored me, "There's no passageway leading directly out, so we need uniforms-"
"Uniforms?" I repeated, "Like guard uniforms? But they have different uniforms. Here they wear black, at the other place they wear white."
Clarke nodded, "I know. Some even wear grey, uniforms change based on location. Black here for the Asylum, White for the prisons and Farm station, Grey for village use," Clarke looked at me, "but we need all of them to get through undetected."
"Not necessarily," Rose jumped in, "once a week, they do change over. So guards from different areas in different uniform will be transferring. But it's mainly White uniform coming here with prisoners - you guys."
Bellamy stated, "So we sneak out then."
Rose shook her head, "Guards are also heavily checked, ID badges, blood samples, finger prints - they'll know you're not one of them."
"So what do we do?" Bellamy asked, slightly frustrated.

I looked at Rose, "So, we get a truck, Rose drives, she's logged on the system, they know she's one of them."
Rose sighed, "It still is high risk, I'm not logged as one of the guard and they might know that I've ran off, they also check any cargo in the trucks."
"How did your people get out?" Bellamy asked.
Rose looked at the map, pointing to the Eastern section of The Asylum, "We used an underground road, leading from The Asylum directly out of the force-field and into the Plains. It was accessible by the eastern side of the underground prison," she lifted her finger of the map, still looking at it, "It took weeks of planning and hacking. We also had months preparation. Some of us even worked on the guard. It'd be more heavily guarded now, that's if they didn't destroy it," Rose then looked up at Bellamy and shook her head, "it's out of the question."
"So what do we do, Rose?" Bellamy half-snapped.
She shook her head, "There's one way," she looked up at us, "The sewers."

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