Chapter 49: Speech

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The truck pulled up behind a building, it was empty. We were at the final Barracks, a place with three streets of buildings, in the middle was Charles' - it was the escape Castle. A building, three stories high, like a normal house. Nothing fancy. I got out the truck, they knew what to do. Wait, until I gave the signal on the radio. I walked down the streets, the sun still shining. All of the streets dead, all of the guard down here would be with him. Obviously, I couldn't walk through the front door; that'd be straight up suicide.

I found a grate. Great. I managed to lift it off and the stench of the sewers hit me and made me gag, it was awful. I grabbed a piece of cloth from around my belt. My belt held a knife and a handgun as well as piece of cloth and water bottle. I also wore a rucksack in my back, full of various supplies. I kissed the heart around my neck and jumped down into the sewers, covering my mouth. I landed on my two feet in a puddle. The sewers was dark, I grabbed a torch from inside my pocket, it was tiny but did the job. I walked through the sewers, scanning the walls and distance for any mist, but none existed. I reached the end and climbed up a small ladder, it was rusted and had moss growing on it. It shook with every step. My foot broke a rung on the ladder, I almost screamed, but I regained balanced and reached the top, pushing open another grate. This grate was in the basement of the house. I heard talking.

Charles was clearly expecting me. I looked in the basement and saw rose petals from the grate leading to another ladder at the back of the basement, towards the left of the door opposite the grate. I looked at the ladder, it went pretty high up. One foot forward as my hands clasped the cold, silver ladder and begun climbing. It led to the top floor, where more roses awaited me, this time white rather than red. I rested my hand on the door handle and opened the door a crack, there was two guards stood at the end of the corridor, in front of a wooden double door with a golden door frame. I listened carefully and detected another two to the left of the door. I breathed in. I swung the door open and fired at the two ahead, killing them. I ducked down as two bullets came through the wooden door. I stood up and fired two more bullets. I Shut the door and saw two dead bodies slumped against another door and heard footsteps rushing.

I turned and ran down the hall to the double wooden door, I opened it and slammed it shut. On either side was a bookshelf, I pushed the one on the right, blocking the door. I turned around and took in the room. The spruce wood flooring, the massive glass window at the back of the building (my exit), the desk looking out onto the glass, which revealed a beautiful forest, just behind the house behind this building. There was also a sofa on the right, it was brown and leather, facing the right wall, which had a fireplace burning and spruce bookshelves either side of it. A pot of roses on the mantle piece and a wolf's head hanging above the fire. On the left was another double door it swung open.

"I wondered when you'd get here," Charles smiled, but it was false. He held two glasses in his hand, he held one out to me, "This is wine, a hundred years old, but beautiful all the same." I stared at his extended tanned hand. His face was clean shaved and his grey hair reached his shoulders, his glasses covering his grey eyes. His face covered in wrinkles as well as his hands. He walked up to the desk and placed a glass on it, before taking a sip of his own. He was dressed in a black cords, a blue shirt, a black waistcoat, with a red rose in his waistcoat pocket and black shoes. He looked at me and smiled, "We're friends, no need to be quiet, my little wolf."
I launched at him and threw him against the wall, causing him to drop his glass and smash it, he laughed, "My, my, my little wolf, you are feisty."
"We are not friends." I growled, my hands grabbing his shirt and pinning him to the wall.
"There's no need to be like this," he calmly said, he wasn't scared at all, "despite what you think, we are friends. And I'm not going to stop you from doing what you want to do."
I stared at him and then dragged him over to the chair by the desk. I grabbed a pair of handcuffs from my belt, found with the uniform, and handcuffed him to the chair.
"This really isn't necessary," he shook his head, his tone casual as if he was my friend.
"Shut it!" I snapped at him and gagged him with my cloth.

I placed my rucksack on the table and unzipped it. I turned to the computer and plugged in the microphone. I clicked on all Cameras and Speakers and TVs, the camera on the computer loaded, filled with my face. My face, covered in dirt and blood and matted hair, which had lost its reddish colour and was going back brown. The cap still on my head and the uniform. Could I do this?

"Welcome, The Asylum, The Lost City, Farm Station, The System and The rebels," I spoke in the microphone, my voice a little shaky. This was being broadcasted everywhere. My voice through every speaker, my face on every screen. I cleared my throats and firmly stated, "Charles has been overthrown. He's been lying to you. There is more of us out there. I grabbed a map from my pocket, drawn by Melody and held it to the camera. I then grabbed the notepad, which was from the truck, and pulled it out my rucksack. I held it to the camera, I'd drawn a portrait of every delinquent on the road trip down here. I flicked through it and spoke, "These people are from Space," I then turned to Emori, "And this one is from the outside, from the ground." I put the pad down and grabbed some photos from the rucksack, the ones me and Mel took, I held one of the experiments, one of the lab, one of weak people, tied to the metal beds, one of a turned person, "Charles has been locking people up under The Asylum, he has been injecting radiation into them, torturing them and ultimately killing them. And it's not just outsiders, it's your mothers and fathers and children, sisters, brothers - he has no limits." I then looked in the camera, "The Rebels were right. I am stopping this now. No more torture and experiments. No more killing. People of The Lost City, you are free. May you find home."

Author's Notes: Nearly at the end, thanks for everyone who followed me on this journey, it means a lot to me. Got over 1K reads, thanks very much!

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