Chapter 41: Wolf

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"Are you okay?" I heard a voice asked and I turned around to see the old man, standing in the doorway. Shit. I looked at the floor. "Are you okay?" He repeated as he walked towards me.
I looked up at him, his eyes met mine and he stopped dead in his tracks, centimetres away from me.
"Do I know you?" He asked, his forehead creased trying to work out who I am.
"Kind of," I muttered, my British accent shining through.
He gulped, "You're one of the rebels?"
I shook my head, looking into his eyes and then at the floor, "No. I'm not a rebel. My name's Rose, Rose Wolf." I looked at his eyes, fear shooting through them, he was frozen, "I take it you've heard of me."
He stared at me and stuttered, "Pl-pl-please don't hu-hurt m-me. I'll, I'll do anything. I-I have a daughter and family, please."

I stared at him and sighed, I didn't want to hurt this old man and the fact he was terrified of me, made me feel sick. I looked at him and noticed his badge around his neck, I cleared my throat and pointed to the badge, "Does it access the lift?"
"Excuse me?" His forehead creased in confusion, sweat dripping from his head with fear.
"The badge... does it lead to Charles' office?" I explained, taking a step towards him.
"Ye-yes," he stammered with a slight nod, he then took the badge off, his hands shaking, he held it out for me. I walked towards him and grabbed the badge. I stared at him, into his faded grey eyes.

I looked at his many wrinkles on his face and some moles with age. "You have to come with me," I firmly stated.
"I-I gave y-you what you wanted, pl-please I have a daughter," he stuttered, "I promise I won't tell anyone."
I hated myself, but I couldn't trust him. I pulled out my gun and held the barrel to his head and demanded, "In the lift, Now!"
"Don't hurt me!" He pleaded as he headed towards the lift, my gun pressing against the bag of his head, I gave him a little shove forward. The lift opened as he scanned his badge. I shoved him inside and he pressed the button the Charles' office. I kept the gun pressed against his head as the lift came to a stop. The doors opened and in front of me was a wooden door and on my left was another. I looked at him and shoved him in. "Open the door," I ordered pointing to the door ahead. The old man gulped and opened it. In front of me was a bed. The bedroom I'd been in to be asssed.

* * *

The brown wooden floors under my feet. A king size bed with wolf-skin duvet and rose petals on it, the headboard pressed against the back wall, which had a window leading to the forests. There was a wardrobe opposite me, all along it, made from spruce wood. The room was mainly empty. On the left wall, opposite the bed was another wooden door and at the end of the room on the left wall was another door. I looked at the old man. "Go sit on the bed," I ordered. He walked half-ran to it and sat down. I walked over to the bedside table and grabbed the handcuffs. Sick bastard. I grabbed his hands and handcuffed him to the bed post, "I'm sorry," I mumbled. As I headed into the room at the far end. It was just a bathroom, empty. I walked back into the room, the man watching me. I didn't look at him, I headed through the double doors.

To my right was a kitchen, with counters and an oven and a fridge, all along the back wall. In front of me was a dining table for two, in front of a large window that looked out onto the path and gates of the Asylum. I saw a truck below being loaded with guards to get the Newcomers. To my left was the huge TV that filled half the wall and a brown leather sofa, in front of it and next to me. A glass coffee table in front of the sofa. I remembered when Melody and me snuck into here and we watched some movies and danced around, we had the time of our lives. A tear rolled down my cheek. There was a door next to the TV and I walked up to and opened it.

I looked at the ladder in front of me and slowly climbed up it. I stared at the attic prison, which I'd once been locked in, it was empty. I groaned in frustration and made my way back down. I walked back into the bedroom, my eyes looking at the floor and not at him. I walked back into the elevator room and opened the door, which was now on my right, and walked into his office. Bookshelves on the back wall and a desk with a computer in the middle. Again empty. Shit. There's got to be something. Of course he'd leave. He knew I'd be coming for him.

Think, Rose, think! Where would he be? Where?! Agh! I don't know. I paced up and down in the office. I looked at the clock. They'd be leaving soon. But I have to find him.
"Give up," I heard a voice whisper, "please. Save yourself."
I stood frozen, my body facing the door to the lift. I slowly turned around and saw her there. Melody. Her dark brown hair down and wavy, her freckles on her pale nose and cheeks. Her green eyes deep like the forest, glinting in the light. Her black shorts ripped and her army shoes tied with huge bows, her black top cut like a cropped top.

"Melody?" I asked, my forehead creased with shock. I blinked, amazed at what I was seeing. She stood staring at me, her eyes sad. I went to walk up to her and hug her, but she put her hand out. Stopping me.
Melody shook her head, "Give up. Charles isn't worth your life."
"But he killed you," I whispered.
"Nobody should die because of me," Melody sadly said, her eyes locked on mine, tears in them, "Wolfie, you need to go and save your friends."
"They can save themselves," I dismissed her, and I sternly said, "I need to kill him. I need to watch the light fade out of his eyes as I stab the knife into his disgusting, rotten heart. Make him pay for what he did to you."
Melody shook her head, "This isn't you. You're not a killer, Wolfie," Melody looked at the floor and then back at me, "I know it hurts. I know you're hurting because of me-"
"Not because of you, because he-"
"Listen to me," Melody cut me off, her voice firm, "You are not a cold-blooded killer. You are a beautiful Rose and a wolf at heart. I know you miss me and you blame him, but it isn't worth getting yourself killed."
A tear rolled down my cheek and I sobbed, "But I have nobody else left. You were my everything. And he took that away from me. He destroyed that. And he must pay."
Melody shook her head, "He will be at the Stone building. It's only five-stories. It's the last building before the checkpoints and will be laced with guards."
I stared at her, "Why are you telling me this?"
Melody shook her head, "He must be killed. But you need to be careful, sacrificing your life means he wins."

I looked at Melody, staring into her blue eyes and I noticed the purple mist floating in the room, more tears fell down my face and I wiped them away, "Please don't leave me," I cried.
Melody stared at me, "I'll never leave. I'm always in your heart and every star that shines. I'll always be by your side, Wolfie." Then she firmly stated, "But you need to leave, now!"
I shook my head, confused, "I don't want to leave you."
Melody shouted, "This place will blow in ten seconds, get out!"
I stared at her and then I turned and ran out of the window behind me, glass shattering and fire chasing me as the building blew into thousands of pieces. White noise sounding all around me. I smacked into the floor, cutting my head, the helmet saving me from death. Pain shot through my leg and I reached around to feel a large shard of glass stuck in it. My head pounded, but I needed to move. I dragged myself to my feet, my head spinning as I ran towards the basement.

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