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~Two Years Ago~

After dropping Justin off at Annie and Finnicks house I come back home. Gale and I were in an argument cause he found out that I signed Justin's certificate to Everdeen instead of Hawthorne but we were only dating when he was born and he never asked for his name too be Hawthorne but apparently he did and he got angry yelling that he doesn't want to raise a kid that doesn't have his last name. Even though Gale has never done anything with Justin he wanted Justin to have his last name. Yeah I don't think so.

I walk inside and find a lace bra on the staircase rail. Okay. That's definitely not mine and I walk further up quietly seeing a insanely short dress. Okay that isn't mine. I walk further up and I hear noises coming from Gale and I's bedroom slowly I open it and there. Not covered in the covers. Gale is having sex with another woman and their at it like gorillas, they both laugh at me and just keep going. Tears stinging in my eyes I run back downstairs, grab my keys and phone and purse then I leave and go back to Annie's house.

It was the most horrible thing I've ever experienced and because that happened Justin and I were kicked out and being at a office all day till 5, I only get $200 a fortnight and can afford this tiny apartment. There's a kitchen and a door which is the bathroom two other doors which are mine and Justin's rooms and a lounge. That's all and windows. Not all that homie if you think about it but it's all I can afford $40 a month.

"Mommy. I'm hungry" Justin whines and I sigh

"I know baby. We're running out of food to eat though. I promise. I'll try work extra hard to get money and keep you healthy okay?" I say and he nods and cuddles up to my side. I hate to admit it but we're poor. We are. My son goes to day care with just a penutbutter sandwich and an apple. I know the care takers at his day care look down on us. Not having enough money to buy food but I try my hardest to work. I do but they just don't pay me enough money and Justin is getting older and there's new clothes and shoes to buy him and then there's Christmas which we haven't had a real one since Gale kicked us out, every time Justin asks 'why hasn't Santa come?' And I can't tell him the truth and I just tell him that 'Santa forgot us but he won't next year' and I feel bad because he loves Christmas but we don't even have a tree

"Mommy. We're poor aren't we?" He asks and I sigh

"No. Mommy just doesn't get enough money from her job" I admit

"Some kids say I'm poor and that you don't love me" he croaks and I frown, my poor boy

"I do love you Justin. I love you more than life itself. I just don't have that much money" I explain and he nods

"Now go get into your pyjamas. I'll tuck you in when you're ready" I say and he goes off to his room.

Very short but this is my new story🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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