Chapter 22: Water Broke

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~Three Months Later~

I groan sipping my water, our baby has been in me for a long time, he definitely doesn't want to come out. Peetas in the shower at the moment but I as always feel like crap being at nine months, I forgot what it felt like to be pregnant... Forgot how painful it was. As I put my glass in the sink I feel something run down my legs, oh no, why now baby? While Peeta is in the shower?! I grip on the bench to help with the small contractions and I try to breathe, in then out, in then out. It sucks because the kids are at school and Peeta I can tell only just got out of the shower. I try to walk to try and get upstairs but it's too painful

"Peeta! Peeta!" I scream and I hear loud thumping 

"Katniss?! Are you okay?!" He asks worried

"My water... It broke" I wince as another contraction comes

"Shit!" He races upstairs and comes back with shoes and a shirt on along with my pregnancy bag

"I can't walk" I whimper and without hesitation he picks me up bridal style, grabbing the keys and rushing to the car.


"Okay Mrs Mellark. You're only three meters. You've still got a white to go" the midwife explains and I nod thanking her and I tie my hair in a messy bun. Peeta links our hands together and rubs his thumb over my knuckles

"Can you climb into the bed with me? I'm cold" I ask and he doesn't hesitate and he climbs into bed and rubs my arm

"Just think. A few hours from now... Our baby will be here" I sigh and he smiles kissing my forehead

"You know once I agreed to date you. I knew I made the right choice and I'm glad that that I agreed" I admit and he smiles brightly

"You agreeing turned my whole life around. In a good way." He replies and I smile and cuddle into his side trying to sleep while I still can because I might not be for a little while...

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