Chapter 8: The Everdeens

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~Three Months Later~

I look next to me and see Peetas sleeping face and I smile, I can't believe how far I've come from now, thanks to Peeta I'm getting a job, I'm getting loved like all woman should, gives me and my boy a roof over our heads and treats my son like his own and in a way, Justin is his son, he does everything a father should do with his son, pick him up when he falls, take him to baseball games, take him to the movies, Justin and Peeta are both like glue and love doing things together and it's the same with Melody and I, I treat her like my own daughter even though she isn't but like Peeta and Justin, in a way she is my daughter and I'm glad

"What you thinking about?" Peetas voice takes me out of my thoughts

"Just about us, Melody, Justin" I admit and he smiles towering over me

"What about us?" He smiles and I hook my fingers around his neck and bite my lip

"Just that how you treat Justin as your own son" I answer

"Well he is my son. Even if he isn't my biological son. He's still my son" he says and we kiss

"How bout one more round before the kids are needed to be picked up" Peeta says smirking looking at my nude top half and I giggle kissing him.


We arrive at my dads house, we're celebrating about the twins going off too college soon, I can't believe their nineteen next year and Prim is twenty and has a boyfriend Robin but we call him Rob, Lilly is nineteen and sadly couldn't make it cause her college wouldn't let her and than my older brother Eli who is almost thirty and has three kids, Bianca is four, Jared is three and Olivia is two. I knock on the door and my stepmom Julie but I just call her mom, obviously

"Katniss! Haven't seen you in a very long time!" She smiles and hugs me

"Hi mom. Sorry about that, been awfully busy" I apologise

"It's alright darling. And who's this young man" she says

"This is Peeta, my boyfriend" I smile and she smiles

"Hello m'am" Peeta politely says

"Oh! What a polite boy! Please call me Julie" she smiles and she hugs Justin and Melody hides in Peetas neck

"And who's this young lady?" She asks looking at Melody with a smile

"That's Melody. Peetas daughter" I reply

"She's precious! Come in! Come in! Come meet everyone." She says and we step in, Justin runs in making an entrance and goes to Prim as we walk in with Peeta behind me. He's introduced to everyone and so is Melody who is still very shy.


"So Peeta what do you do?" Dad asks as we sit at the table inside

"Well, I'm a surgeon" he replies

"Impressive. You must've done good in school" dad says and he chuckles

"Yeah. Straight A's and B's in every schooling I done" he admits

"So how will you help my daughter?" Dad states bringing his protective side

"Dad..." I warn telling him not to go too far

"It's okay Katniss" Peeta comforts putting a hand on my thigh and rubbing his thumb in circles calming me down immediately

"Well. I provide all I can for her. Helped her do a extremely good course in designing. I help Justin with school. I make sure their well fed. Roof over their heads. New and warm clothes" he lists

"Trust me Mr Everdeen the list goes on. And I love your daughter and her son with all my life" Peeta finishes and the whole table is quiet, my dad looks at Peeta approving right away and I look down at my plate smiling.


"He's good for you sweetheart" dad says and I smile as he straps a sleeping Justin in his car seat

"I know, he's who I see growing old with" I admit and dad smiles

"I'm glad too see you happy baby girl" he admits with tears in his eyes and I hug him

"I love you dad"

"I love you more my darling daughter" he says and I kiss his cheek and go in the car and we drive off back too our apartment.

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