Chapter 28: Aunty

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~Three Months Later~

I sit at work discussing some fashion designs that everyone is having trouble with, Peeta had to stay home today cause too many staff were there at the hospital today cause there were less people there and so Peeta is having time off, just for today and has allowed me to work while he takes care of Kayden. I can't believe Kayden is turning one next month, time flies by so fast a specially seeing as my little duck is able to be in labor any second, minute or day and we're all waiting for it to happen, my first time being Aunty to my biological sister, this is so exciting, I excuse myself from everyone to answer my phone


"Katniss. It's me" that's Robs voice

"Hey Rob. Is Prim okay?"

"She's actually gone into labor and told me to tell you. She also wants you to know that she'll call you when the baby's born"

"Yeah okay. Good luck!"

"Okay bye"


And I hang up, Prim is having her baby soon! This is so exciting! Also weird... seeing my little sister with her own baby but I'm sure baby Cecelia will be just as beautiful as my little duck. Melody and Justin are so happy that they'll have an actual biological cousin and Kayden... well he just gets excited about anything you say, Kayden is one hyper kid even tho he's not walking but still he really likes the idea of now trying climb over the baby gate by the stairs, anything that he can climb he'll do it, Peeta said that's from him cause Peeta one time jumped off his kitchen table when he was able to first walk and had to get stitches in his cheek but he kept doing it and it's now gotten into our son, thanks Peeta.


I walk through the door like usual the dogs greet me and I walk up the stairs after seeing no one is downstairs and I go into Peeta and I's room and see him with a towel around his waist, his hair all damp, dear god help me

"Hey. Where's Kayden?" I ask and he rolls his eyes

"I put him in his crib with his toys cause I needed a shower and there was no way I was leaving that boy unattended without him not being able to climb" he explains as I walk into out walk in wardrobe and change into some shorts and shirt

"I'm excited to see the kids" I smile walking out without my shirt on and by now he's in his shorts

"I know. I wonder how they liked camping with your dad?" He wonders as we both put on our shirts

"I'm sure they enjoyed it. He tells all sorts of stories" I admit and he smiles and I kiss him and he slaps my bum as I turn to the door and he winks at me and I smile rolling my eyes and I walk out and into Kaydens room and with help from his crib bars and bounces up and down now crying saying mommy, which is always his reaction when I come home from work, ever since I started, I pick him up and he lays his head on my chest immediately stopping and I walk downstairs where the door open and closes and Melody and Justin run through the door

"Mom! Dad!" They both say and I give Justin a huge hug and the same with Melody and Peeta does the same. They tell us all about the stories dad told and how they went fishing and swimming making me happy that they had a good time and I tell them about waiting for the call from Prim as she's in labor and the kids are very excited.


It is now 5:30 pm and I finally got the call that Prim has delivered and now Peeta, the kids and I are all off to the hospital to meet baby Cecelia. After arriving we say that we're family and we're let in and I see Prim holding a bundle of pink blankets and I go to her side and look at my beautiful niece

"Oh my goodness. She's so adorable" I say softly smiling and Prim does too and I get to hold her and she's passed around

"So are you happy she's finally here?" I ask as Peeta holds her

"Yeah. I mean the labor was pretty painful but it was worth it" she admits and I smile

"I completely agree" I say as I watch Mel and Justin keep Kayden occupied, I love my kids and I'll do anything for my kids and I'd do anything for Peeta.

Here you go my lovely people! Here's an update.

I swear to god there's a clown on my street😬😬😬. Tell me if any of you have seen any?

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