Chapter 19: Fight

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~Three Months Later~

"Peeta" I giggle as he hovers over me as were laying on the couch

"Have I told you... How sexy you look when you're pregnant" he smirks and I roll my eyes

"Multiple times" I reply and he leans and kisses my neck and I let out a moan of pressure and I feel him smile on my neck

"Well... You're so fucking sexy" he growls and I bite my lip and jump a little as our baby kicks making me smile

"The baby just kicked" I say and Peeta smiles placing his hand on my stomach where our baby kicks on Peetas hand making Peeta smile brightly

"I can never get tired of feeling that" he admits and I smile and pull him down to kiss me, he sneakily sneaks his hand up my shirt and massages my right breast and I thank god that his parents owned a bakery and made him work there

"Ohh Peeta" I moan as he kisses down my neck and our home phone just had to start ringing, Peeta groans and I get up walking over and answering it


Hi. Mrs Mellark. This is Mrs Salvator Justin's principle

Oh Hi!

Peeta slips his arms around me from behind and starts kissing my neck making me having to try not to moan

I'm calling to inform you that your son Justin has been involved in a fight. We were able to brake it off before it got too violent. I was hoping that you and your husband would be able to come down to the school?

Oh my god. Of course. We'll leave now

I hang up and sigh Peeta senses somethings wrong and turns me to face him his face full of worry

"That was Justin's principle... Justin got into a fight at school" I explain and Peeta sighs

"She wants us to go there now" I add and he nods.


Peeta and I enter Justin's school and knock on the principles office. After hearing a 'come in' Peeta opens the door letting me in and there sits Justin and not to far another boy probably his age and what I suspect the boy's parents. Peeta and I sit down in two chairs and the principle sighs

"Now. Boys. We want to know what caused this fight. Justin. Explain what happened" the principle states and Justin looks at me and I nod

"He was picking on my little sister. He stole her chocolate pudding and so I snatched it away from him after asking nicely and once I gave it back to my little sister he pushed me to the ground" Justin explains

"Nah uh! That's not true! Justin punched me!" The boy yells

"David! Do not raise your voice in my office!" Mrs Salvator firmly states and the boy looks down at his shoes

"Now. Boys. I will NOT have any kind of violence in my school. I will not tolerate it. David. If I hear another complaint about you again then you will immediately be suspended is that understood?!" Mrs Salvator says

"Parents. Thank you for coming in. I much appreciate it. You all may go" she adds and Peeta and I stand Justin walking in between us till we get out the hall

"That was very nice of you Justin" I smile at my son and he does to

"Really?" He asks

"Yeah. Looking after your little sister. You're such a good boy" I smile kissing the top of his head

"Go on. Go to class" I say and he hugs both Peeta and I and we watch him go back into his classroom and Peeta and I leave to go home.

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