Chapter 15: Baby Talk

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~Two Years Later~

Now obviously our first year of marriage was hard with the fighting and all but we got through it and now we're both incredibly happy, Justin is happy that his name is now Justin Mellark. Now Peeta and I have had the talk, the baby talk and we've agreed on trying for a baby but not right away I mean we've only just got married and so I'm off the pill now and everything is under control. Now whenever we have... Sex, there's a chance we'll end up with a child. Justin and Melody now want a baby brother or sister, Justin really wants a little brother as he always would want to play with him and seeing as Justin is nine now, he is starting to loose interest with playing barbies with Mel. On the other hand Melody wants a little sister to plan barbie dolls with kind of a sticky situation.

In three days is Peetas birthday and I have a special day planned. During the day we'll go out for lunch with the kids and then they'll be dropped off at his parents home and we'll both go out for dinner. It should me a nice day. Hopefully he'll enjoy his birthday cause we never got to celebrate his thirtieth as well... It's always hard the first year and so were just going to celebrate his birthday as a family. I can't believe that this has happened. If it weren't for Peeta, Justin and I would be living on the streets or living with my father, Peeta I now know that he's the one for me. Ever since we got together it's like Gale never existed, Justin is always calling Peeta dad, never calls him Peeta EVER, Justin absolutely LOVES Peeta he adores him so much and so does Peeta they both love and adore each other and it makes me smile everyday.


Peeta parks into the car park of the restaurant Steak n Shake. We all decided to go and the kids wanted to really badly. It makes me feel sad because Justin doesn't need his car seat anymore, he gets to sit normally now, Melody is also off her car seat, can't believe she's already eight, their both growing up so fast. Which is why I'm agreeing on more children but with Peeta. Anyway, Mel and Justin attend the same Elementary school Justin is one of the smartest kids in his whole third grade class Melody is one of the smartest in her second grade class. They love school especially when they get to ride their bikes to and from school, I know that they love that.

The four of us sit in a booth, me next to Justin and Mel next to Peeta, this place is pretty good to come to for a family meal, although I'm not a big fan of salad whereas Justin can eat it right up, just like Peeta can. It's funny how Justin starts loosing the things him and Gale have in common and pick up the things Peeta does like eating healthy, exercising, football, basketball, baseball all that kind of stuff and it's so adorable but he has sadly got the trait of bad cooking from me. Oops.


Well our lunch was filled with talking and laughter and the kids enjoyed their day and are now excited to spend the night at Peetas parents house, they've told all their friends that their grandparents are going to drive them to and from school. Peeta is also happy as he gets to spend a whole night with me, we're going to a fancy restaurant, Jamie Oliver Italian, Annie said that apparently it's really good there so Peeta and I will try it. I put on my outfit and smile at myself in the mirror, Peetas favourite outfit on me mostly because it's a skirt and you can see my tanned stomach.

"Damn. How'd I get so lucky with getting such a banging hot wife" he smirks complimenting me pulling me close and I roll my eyes

"You mean how'd I get so lucky" I smile wrapping my arms around his neck and he smiles

"I love you so much Katniss" he states seriously and I blush

"I love you too Peeta. So so much" I reply and kiss him

"Shall we head off?" He says turning off the last light from the hallway and I smile as he opens the front door for me.


"Peeta. I never thanked you..." I trail off as we eat our dessert and he furrows his eyebrows confused

"What?" He says

"I mean. You are my hero, a specially Justin's. If it weren't for yon we'd be on the streets, no fresh clothes or food. Thanks to you he can have a proper education. I got a job. You've helped me with everything and you're just the most generous, sweetest, caring and hottest man out there. I'm so grateful to call you my husband" I thank and he smiles taking my hand across from the table

"Nothing to thank me for. You're the hero Katniss. Holding on for that long. I salute you and other people who were or still are in your situation. You're the generous, sweet, caring and definitely hot woman I've ever laid eyes on" he says and I bite my lip but my smile is too strong.

Peeta pushes me down onto our bed softly, his hand going up my skirt resting on my inner thigh, I'll spare you the boring and slow details about the clothes being taken off and the kissing so now we're both completely naked, under the covers, he kisses my neck feeling his hard erected manhood on my inner thigh making me moan and wanting him more, I've never wanted him so much in my inter life, I need him, I want him

"Peeta. Do it. I don't want to wait any longer" I moan as he kisses down me painfully slow

"Are you ready?" He asks and as I nod he spreads my legs apart, positions and enters straight away banging me, it feels so good, he goes deeper, faster, harder

"I'm gonna make you have trouble walking tomorrow. I want you sore" he growls and I turn us over so that his wants are done so the whole time I bounce and slam myself making him melt, after a long while and he hasn't softened he turns so that he's on top and kisses me everywhere while thrusting slow but deep

"Ohhhhh..." I moan as his manhood starts throbbing then fills me with his seed and shortly after I did. He lays down next to me both of us panting, me laying on his bare chest

"Best birthday ever" he says and I look up at him both of us smiling and we kiss and soon we go to sleep.

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