Chapter 1: Party

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~A Month Later~

"Thanks again dad for looking after him" I thank and my dad smiles and hugs me

"It's my pleasure. Go out. Have fun with your friends" he says and I smile and hug him once more, I get into my small crappy car and drive to Annie's house who's taking me there and I'm sleeping over hers. Annie has organised for her, Thom, Clove, Cato, Johanna and I too all go to a party club called Lemons. Apparently it's the best club in town and seeing as the attire was sexy well I'm a mother and I don't have anything sexy and so Annie said she bought me a sexy dress and shoes for me which I groaned about.

Annie also stated that I need to start hooking up with some guys. Get my mind off Gale but I can't be fooling around... I've got a child too care for who can't be left alone... But to please everyone I'll try and at least have fun which I highly doubt will happen.


"Okay. How do I look?" She asks and I smile

"Beautiful" I compliment and she giggles

"Says you! Look at you hot mumma!" She says and I blush haven't heard that word hot since after Gale and I's honeymoon

"Oh shut up" I grin and she giggles. Annie really does know fashion which is why she's a designer, a very good one too and earns $30,000 a fortnight which is unbelievable well too me cause I earn $200 a fortnight. And Annie still has no stretch marks and the perfect body, has an extremely stable relationship with her boyfriend Finnick and is mature and is really good with advice

"Okay are we all ready too go?" She asks and I smile

"Yeah. Let's go and party" I say

"That's the spirit!" She giggles and we're out the door. We ordered a cab cause A. None of us feel like driving and B. We will be drinking. I go on my phone which Annie bought for me once for my birthday and I still owe her big time. She's helped me so much. Gives me money but I only accept when there's no food in the cupboards and so she always gives me $500 which helps a ton and she's just an angel.


I sit at the bar drinking a martini while my friends are on the dance floor, soon someone sits next too me, blonde hair beautiful blue eyes, perfect smile

"Hey there" he smiles and I smile back

"Hi" I reply shyly

"You here alone?" He asks and I shake my head

"I'm here with my friends but they're all on the dance floor" I explain

"What's your name? I'm Peeta Mellark" he introduces

"Katniss Everdeen" I reply and he smiles

"Such a unique and beautiful name" he says and I blush at his words

"So are you here alone?" I ask

"Yeah. Just got out a ugly divorce last year" he admits

"I did too but two years ago"

"I also have a daughter. Melody" he says and I smile

"I have a son. Justin" I reply

"Wow. We have much in common" he replies

"Okay. What type of movies are your favourite?" I ask

"Horror. Definitely"

"Oh my god! I love horror!" I honestly agree

"If there was any place you'd love to visit where would you go and why?" He asks

"Definitely Australia. I don't really know why but everyone who goes there say it's a nice place to visit" I explain and he smiles

"If you don't mind me asking. Why'd you get a divorce?" He asks taking a sip of his apple martini

"I caught my husband having sex with another woman. And they just laughed and kept going. He kicked my son and I out saying that I was just a side chick and a slut and that he just used me" I reply sniffing and he frowns

"But you seem like such a wonderful person" he says and I sigh and shrug

"He wasn't though" I say

"What about you? What happened with your divorce?" I ask

"Well last year I was on my honeymoon with my new wife Delly and Melody was only one but she was back home. Anyway. I caught her having sex with someone else in our resort room with one of the employees that worked there. Melody hardly knows her mommy cause Delly has decided to live there and never come back" he replies and I frown

"That's horrible. Poor Melody. Poor you" I say and he sighs

"Sadly. It happens but we just gotta pull through it and move on from our past. And so I've moved on and so has Melody" he says, he's right, I need too stop thinking of Gale so much and move on and look into the future and to be honest I don't really mind having this blue eyed boy in my life...

Peeta and I have decided to not drink anymore and just dance, he seems like a really great guy and he's gone through something similar too me, I feel that our broken hearts can be mended together cause he sounds like a smart and loving guy, I mean he's handsome and very sexy but I feel like I want him and in a very, very sexual way. And I'm not even drunk.


So here we are laying on Peetas bed kissing, well I'm straddling him as our bodies are close together. I unbutton his dress shirt and take it off revealing his rock hard abbs and toned muscles and big warm hands, his jeans come off in a flash so that he's just in his boxers and he slowly unzips my dress and its lifted over my head so that I'm now just in my black lace bra and panties

"Katniss. I don't have any condoms" he mumbles

"It's okay. I've been on the pill since Justin was one" I sigh as he places kisses down my neck, shoulder blade and between my breasts getting tired. I place his hands behind me allowing him to unstrap me and that's when it happens after we're both nude, now of course he's much larger but he's more gentle than Gale was but he is much wider and longer than Gale was and I'm not use too big sizes, Gale was tiny compared to Peeta, okay Katniss stop comparing their penis sizes but because I'm not use too big sizes my nails dig into his back and I scream with pleasure into his mouth making him get even more solid and more animal like. Which is such a turn on.

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