Chapter 31: The Decision

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Like Peeta said, Justin was the one who made the final decision in which he chose to start off with once a month. Thank fully that meant it wasn't messy in court, it was straight to the point which meant it was easy on us and on Justin. It's been a couple of months since then and Justin is still adjusting to having two dads in his life, well more like a father and his dad. Justin's relationship with Peeta hasn't changed and I was grateful to see that, Justin did admit that no matter what Peeta will always be his dad, he calls Gale by name or just calls him father which I know Gale wasn't a big fan of but that's all on him and that's probably why he doesn't complain.

We sit in the auditorium of our daughter and sons junior high school, Melody is in a Christmas concert which she was really excited about. I squeeze Peetas hand nervously as the curtains open and there Melody is, hair in a neat round bun and a halo attached and she's wearing a beautiful white dress.

Her solo was amazing and were so proud of her. When we went backstage Peeta and I give her a big hug

"Melody! You were amazing!" I smile, all that practice with her paid of after all

"All because of you mom" she smiles, when I look behind me I see a girl dressed as another angel talking to Justin, he looks nervous but the girl giggles and smiles at Ava who smiles back at her

"He's growing up... our son" Peeta sighs and I do too

"Too fast, I want him to stay my baby boy" I admit

"Me too. He's a good boy, we raised him right" he says kissing my cheek, we really did, it was challenging at times but we did it.


I smile as my children dance around the house listening to Christmas songs, they're all excited for Christmas, Christmas in the Mellark house is really worshiped, we all decorate our house as Christmas as we can without seeming too into Christmas but we definitely all love being together this time of year.

While they dance Peeta comes through the door and all the kids run and hug him before continuing belting the lyrics to All I Want For Christmas is you, Peeta walks over to me with a grin and kisses me

"Hey, baby" he smiles, I do too

"Hey, a certain baby missed her daddy" I reply, putting a sleeping Ava in his arms, he turns his attention to our energised children

"What are they doing?" He chuckles

"They wanted to listen to Christmas songs. Leads them to doing that" I reply amusingly, Justin picks up Kayden and pretends he's a guitar which Melody laughs at

"I'm happy that we found each other" I sigh, leaning against my husband, he kisses my temple and we look back at our children

"I am too, my always, my soul mate"

It's a short end, I know but I've run out of ideas for this book and I didn't know where else to take it. Thanks for reading peeps xoxo

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