Chapter 16: Not Just A Tummy Ache

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~Two Months Later~

"Katniss are you okay? You don't look so good" Annie frowns as I walk into work

"I'll be alright. Just a little tummy ache is all" I reply and she nods and we get to designing for the next fashion shoot

"Royal blue and Green?" Annie asks

"Hmmm. No I think Royal blue and a lavender purple you see how the colours go together" I say and she nods and that's when I feel the vomit coming up my throat

"Excuse me for a moment" I say and run to the toilets locking the stall quickly and vomiting my lungs out, soon I've finished and I sit on the floor

"Katniss? Are you okay?" I hear Annie's concerned voice

"Yeah. I'm fine" I reply

"Hey maybe you should go home, you've already been here for two hours" she admits and I stand up unlocking the stall and see Annie standing there

"Yeah. Okay" I mumble and we walk out, I grab my things and walk out, luckily my boss really REALLY loves me and let me go, they think I'm sick but I've got the suspicion that this is not just a tummy ache.


I walk around the chemist looking for a pregnancy test. I come to a section where they all are and so I choose the one I want and go to the cashier and the elderly woman smiles at me and I smile back

"Does your partner know?" She asks

"No. He's at home" I reply

"You can use the toilets here darlin" she says as I give her the money and I smile taking the receipt and I lock the toilet door and set up three of them, okay, need to wait for five minutes, anxiously I wait as the slow five minutes are soon done I tear up looking at all three tests which all have two lines on them. I'm pregnant. I'm actually pregnant! Oh Peeta is going to be so happy!.


I walk through the door and I'm greeted by our golden Labrador Charlotte I pat her putting my keys in our ring bowl. I go upstairs and find Peeta in bed on his laptop, I knock softly on the door and he lifts his head and smiles and stands up walking over to me

"Hey" he says kissing me and I kiss back

"Hey" I smile

"What are you doing back so early it's only 11:30 am?" He asks

"Peeta. I've got something important to tell you" I start off and he nods

"I uh I um. Today I found out that I uh I'm pregnant" I finally get out and his face forms a huge smile

"This is awesome news! Oh my god! You're pregnant!" He excitedly exclaims spinning my around and I smile giggling as he sets me down and we kiss and he places his hand on my stomach rubbing his thumb through my shirt

"Finally" he smiles at my stomach.

You're welcome! Everlark baby!!!

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