Chapter 24: Going Home

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~The Next Day~

"He's such a good baby" Sue smiles holding her grandson and I smile looking at Peeta who smiles at me

"Yeah. He doesn't wake up during the night that much" I admit and she smiles looking down at him, Kayden is such a good baby, he hasn't opened his eyes yet and I'm hoping he does soon. My stomach has already gone down most of the way now. The kids have been staying at my dads house and they'll drop in for a little bit but not a lot. They love cuddling with their baby brother and it's the cutest thing in the world.

"This is another reason why it's good for having a baby. I get to see your boobs" he smirks as I breast feed my son and I roll my eyes

"Peeta. You sicko" I say smiling and that's when Kaydens eyes flutter open and I smile

"Hey baby boy" I smile as he stops feeding and I cover myself up as Peeta comes and Kayden just stares at us studying our faces his grey orbs staring back into ours. My grey eyes and Peetas blonde hair. He's perfect.


We walk through the door our dogs greeting us as we walk in, the kids are out with my dad for the day and he'll drop them off here. I lay on the couch my feet on Peetas lap while he massages them with Kayden on my chest, asleep and we watch more of our show that we watch together. Game of Thrones, we love this show it's so entertaining and has action in it which I love. Most people would think I'm into the lovey type of movies but I'm not really. More of a action type. I mean I'm able to watch romantic movies I mean I love the classic The Notebook, I've watched that multiple times.

The kids burst through the door and run into the lounge where Kayden lays on a blanket and Justin and Melody give me very big warm hugs and I kiss both of their heads

"We missed you mommy" Justin states and I smile kissing their cheeks

"Missed you both too. So much" I reply and they say hello to Peeta and they join me on the floor with Kayden. The kids already absolutely love him already, Justin can't wait to play catch with him when he's older, of course Melody was hoping for a girl but she was still very excited when she knew Kaydens gender.

"Peeta" I sigh as he kisses down my neck

"Mm" he mumbles on my skin

"We can't have sex right now..." I trail off

"I know baby. Just kissing" he replies and I smile as he kisses my lips hovering over me, he slips his hand up my shirt and on my right breast which is covered with my bra and I whimper under our kiss and he starts slowly kissing down my neck

"I swear Peeta Mellark. You'll be the death of me" I sigh and he smirks

"As long as it's by giving you pleasure" he replies and I smile and bite my lip.

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