Chapter 23: He's Here!!!

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~The Next Day~

Peeta squeezes my hand reassuringly as I literally breathe in the gas mask and Peeta watches helplessly knowing there's nothing he can do to take away this pain but I don't blame him. I don't because I chose to have a baby with him and besides I've been through this before. All I want from him which can help is comfort which he does all time, he always strokes my hair, rubs my arm, lets me squeeze his hand, he's being very helpful during this whole process which gets me through the pain.

"Okay. You're now eight meters. You should be able to push soon" the midwife notifies, Peeta thanks her and she walks out of the room

"How you feelin baby?" Peeta asks and I groan

"Could be better. I just want him in our arms" I state

"Don't worry Katniss. Not long now" he reassures and I give him a smile

"Thanks Peeta. You've been nothing but helpful. All Gale done was be on his phone the whole time. He missed the whole birth" I admit and Peeta frowns kissing my cheek

"That's horrible. I can't believe you went through all that pain" he replies

"I've got you now. That's all that matters" I say reaching out and touching his cheek

"I love you so much it hurts" I state and he smiles and kisses me

"I love you so much it hurts to see you hurt" he replies


"Ughhhh! Ahhhhhh!" I scream as I push while squeezing Peetas hand which is going white

"Come on Katniss. Just a few pushes" the midwife reassures

"I can't. I can't do it" I whimper

"Come on baby. I know you can. He's so close to being here. Just keep squeezing my hand. As hard as you want" he says in my ear encouragingly and I nod, after about three or so little baby cries are heard and our baby boy is laid on my chest. Peeta can't stop his tears from falling, he cuts the cord as our baby screams and I coo him, when the midwife has to take him I'm a little hesitant at first but I let them take him.

They clean him as he still cries, they wrap him up in a blue blanket and he keeps crying till he's set in my arms, that's when he calms down a little, I look to Peeta who smiles at me his eyes all puffy making a tear roll down my cheek, he kisses me on the lips and we look at our baby boy

"Hey baby Kayden. I'm your new mommy and that's your daddy" I say to my new son as he sleeps in my arms

"Here Peeta" I say and he takes his first biological son in his arms and sits in the chair next to my bed Kayden sleeping soundly in his fathers arms and I smile at the view.


~The Next Day~

"Mommy!" Melody squeals and I smile as she hops on the bed, she crawls over and looks over Kayden who's sleeping against me on the bed and she smiles

"What's his name?" She whispers

"Kayden" I reply and she giggles

"I like that name" she states and I smile kissing the top of her head and Justin comes over to look

"Can I hold him?" He asks

"Of course you can. Come here though" I say carefully picking up Kayden and he sits next to me holding out his hands and once he supports his head, he doesn't need help, Peeta and I both get photos of the kids holding Kayden

"Mommy. When will he open his eyes?" Melody asks looking at Peeta

"I don't know pumpkin" he says chuckling and Justin continues to hold Kayden. This is the life Justin and I needed, a happy family Peeta is my hero, he was there for me even in my darkest times and I love him. I love him so much.

Born- 8th October 2014Time- 4:35 pmDay- Saturday Pounds- 8Ounces- 7

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Born- 8th October 2014
Time- 4:35 pm
Day- Saturday
Pounds- 8
Ounces- 7

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