Chapter 10: Night Before Christmas

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First outfit is Katniss's dads house and the second is Peetas parents house

Three Months Later

So we're all doing great in our new home and finally it's Christmas Eve, tonight for Christmas Eve we will be having dinner at my dads house, we won't be able too be there for Christmas morning sadly but we're going to Peetas parents house after we all open our presents. Since the past few weeks my family members and a specially Melody and Justin and mainly Peeta have all been acting extremely weird, like they'd be talking suspiciously and when I walk over they stop and a new conversation starts, Justin never tells me anything and neither does Melody which I find really odd...

"Come on! Let's go" I say and we load the kids up in their car seats, I hop in the front and Peeta looks extremely nervous

"What's wrong?" I ask

"Oh! Uh. Nothing! I'm fine baby" he replies and I raise an eyebrow not believing him, I mumble a 'whatever' under my breath and face out the window and take his hand off my thigh, I know that I'm just being a bitch and stubborn but that's what he gets for not telling me stuff like he use to, we never have sex anymore either, he's always too 'tired' even on the days he doesn't work and it really pisses me off.


I walk up to the porch after taking Peetas hand off from around my waist and I knock on the door and my father answers, he smiles

"Hi Katniss" he says, okay something is defiantly wrong here, and I'm not liking it

"Please. Come in" he says without even hugging me, that's the same with everyone they all say "hi" or "hey", no hugs, not even from Prim which hurt, a lot.

We all gather the table and it's silent, Justin and Melody are silently eating their food and no one even tries too make conversation and so I decide that I will

"So Prim. How's your nursing training going?" I start

"Good" she replies

"Do you think you're passing?" I ask and she shrugs

"I don't know" she plainly answers and I frown looking down at my plate

"Excuse me" I croak and I stand up and go upstairs to my old teenage room and sit on my old bed crying, why? I don't get why everyone is acting like they hate me, even my own son acts like he hates me and it looks like Melody does too and it really brakes my heart, even my own sister won't talk to me like she use too and that makes me cry even more and soon there's a knock but I don't reply I just cry and soon someone enters and the space on the bed next to me sinks down a little bit and someone pulls me too their chest, Peeta, I can't help but cry even more and he rubs my arm

"Katniss. Don't cry. There's a reason why everyone is acting like that" he states and I glare at him standing away from him

"What do you mean" I growl and he sighs

"I told them to act like that" and that's when it happens, my hand hurts from the force that impacted Peetas face

"Katniss. You're missing the most important part" he says

"And what's that" I spit and I start to feel guilty when I see him get down on one knee

"Katniss. We've known each other for quite sometime now and ever since I sat next too you at the bar I knew you were really the one for me. Over the times we talked and had dates. I grew more and more in love with you. I love Justin just as much as you, I feel like he's my own son. The whole reason why I got people to act why they did is because I wanted to be the first too hug you, to kiss you, to say something big too you.

Katniss I can't go a single god dam day without being with you, at work I'm always thinking, we can I go home to you and just cuddle and have long nice talks in bed. Katniss you've got a grip on my heart and it's never going to leave now that you've got it and so can we make our love eternal and forever. And Katniss Julia Everdeen, will you do me the greatest honour and privilege of saying yes and becoming my wife" he pulls out a beautiful ring making me gasp through tears

"Yes! Of course!" I say through tears and he smiles and slips it on my finger, stands up and kisses me

"I love you Katniss. Don't you ever forget that" he mumbles on my lips

"I know. I love you too" I whisper and we kiss again.


"Oh my god! Congratulations! This is wonderful!" Peetas mother Sue says as we brake the news and I smile and all the girls drag me away getting me to tell them everything and so I tell them the whole story and the speech that Peeta gave

"That's the talented thing about my boy. He's always the one too pull off something romantic" Sue smiles and I do too

"Yeah. It was unbelievable. I didn't know that a man could be so passionate and romantic with words" I admit making them all giggle

"Well, he got that from his father, his father was always a charmer but somehow chose me. I mean he was rich and I was just an average young lady that he met in the market one day" Sue sighs making me smile and they all look at my ring again. As they do I turn my head to see Peeta listening to his brother talking and he looks over his brothers shoulder and smiles and I do too, finally, he's my fiancée.

I honestly really liked this chapter😆😆😆

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