Chapter 29: First Birthday

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~Two Months Later~

"Happy birthday Kayden!" Melody squeals kissing her baby brothers cheek and I smile while sipping my coffee, today is Kaydens first birthday... Peeta and I's first born baby together and the baby of our family, I feel the familiar warm arms go around my waist and I know that it's my husband, I put my mug down and turn in his embrace

"Can you believe that he's one already?" He says and I smile

"Not really... my baby boy is growing up so fast" I sigh hugging him, not wanting to get too emotional

"I know... but we can always have more" he replies which makes me laugh

"Four children?! I never imagined having one" I giggle

"Oh come on... Kayden is our only child with both of our blood" he smirks

"Do you think I'm a baby canon or something?" I say with a raised eye brow causing Peeta to laugh

"Not at all, baby. Not at all" he replies, I lean up to kiss him but of course we're interrupted by the children giggling at us

"Well good. Because that would've earned a night sleeping on the couch" I say continuing to drink my unfinished mug of coffee.


Our close family and friends had all made it to the party we are having for Kaydens birthday. I of course was the first to take Cecelia when Prim arrived and cuddled her for a long time seeing as Kayden noticed and immediately wanted me to pick him up which just shows how much of a mommys boy he really is, hell even push Justin away if he tries cuddling me which is funny but we always tell Kayden that Melody and Justin can have cuddles as well.

I sit with Annie, Clove, Sara and Johanna catching up with them seeing as we haven't really caught up in a while

"I still remember when he was just a tiny baby and now he's just grown" Sara says as Kayden sits on my knee

"I know... my little baby is growing too fast and I hate it. I want him to stay a baby forever" I reply

"I feel like this pregnancy is going on extremely slow" Annie sighs, although Annie is a very sweet person, she can be very snappy while pregnant so I wouldn't recommend arguing with her while she's pregnant

"So have you and Finnick thought of any names yet?" Jo asks

"We really like Isadora Marry for our little girl" she smiles while rubbing her stomach, we all continue to talk and laugh about all the things we use to do together which honestly really made me happy as I laughed with them about the silliest things.

I eventually stick to Peeta's side as he talks with the men about some kind of sports or something but I don't really pay attention because I just really want a hug from my husband right now seeing as I haven't been able to since this morning

"How are you finding the party?" He asks

"Amazing. It's exactly what we planned it to be" I smile

"Well, that's good to hear. You planned like crazy for this so that everyone was free" he admits kissing my temple

"This was important to have this party. He's our first child we've had together" I reply

"Hopefully not the last" he hints making me playfully slap his chest

"Hey now, lets not get our heads too high in those clouds" I say and he laughs

"I was kidding. It's just funny when I see your reaction" he smirks which I roll my eyes at, he's such an idiot.


Once Peeta and I have finished completely with the cleaning we walk into the lounge we're the children were watching TV but we smile as they're asleep on the couch, Kayden in the middle of Justin and Melody

"Aren't you glad that we met back at that club" he sighs as we admire the sight

"Very... I don't even think of Melody as someone else's daughter. I feel like she's my own" I reply laying my head on his shoulder

"I feel the same with Justin. I'm happy that you were still in my arms the next day... but also that you agreed to date me. I was just so happy that I'd have someone like you to share my life with, to be Melody's mother" he admits

"If you could go back, would you have not had Melody? To start your family with me instead? I've never asked you before but I've always wondered it" I ask

"Well, even though that sounds like heaven. I wouldn't trade having Melody for anything, she's my rock and my little girl" he replies

"That's the same with Justin, even though his biological father is an asshole, I wouldn't trade him either. It works out too, Justin and Melody being only a year apart from each other" I smile

"I love you, Katniss. So much" he says kissing me

"And I love you, with all my heart" I reply hugging him, I really do love this happy family that we've created.

Oh hey there stranger! Yes I know it's been a long time but I've totally forgotten what I wanted to write this chapter which is why it's not that well put but hey! It's a chapter at least.

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