Chapter 3: The Date

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~Following Week~

"Do you have to go?" Justin pouts sadly as I drop him off at my dads home and I sigh

"I'll pick you up in an hour or two and then we can go home okay?" I say and he nods slowly, I kiss his cheek and drive away to Peetas apartment complex, he's defiantly got more money than he needs, cause this is the second most expensive complex there is. Walking into the lobby I go into the elevator and press level 6 on the button and I just stand there listening to the classic music playing, all on my own.

I walk down the hallway and come across a door with the numbers 482 this is what Peeta said level 6 number 482, I knock and wait a little bit, I hear footsteps getting closer and closer to the door and it's quiet for a second and then the door is unlocked and is opened revealing a smiling Peeta, we both hug once I'm inside and we give each other a quick kiss

"Okay so, I've made lasagne and salad for dinner than chocolate moose for dessert" he says leading me around and I study more of his room, near the lounge there is long widows which are blinded shut but if you open the window/door there's a table and four chairs on a balcony, five rooms, two bathrooms and a bathroom in each room, kitchen, laundry and dinner table then there's a lounge with a flatscreen TV

"Your apartment is huge" I say

"It's not really. This is just average space" he chuckles sitting me down at the table

"Well my apartment is more tiny than you can imagine" I say and he frowns

"Why would you live in a tiny apartment?" He asks politely

"Because I'm doing an office job which gives me $200 a fortnight and it's the cheapest apartment complex I could find" I admit

"I wish I could help" he sighs

"It's okay Peeta. Justin and I are holding on" I reassure and he nods and we start our food, Peeta made a small but tasty lasagne

"So. What do you do for a living?" I ask

"I'm a surgeon" he replies and my eyes grow wide

"Geez. How much do you earn?" I ask and he thinks for a moment

"About $187,199 a fortnight" he answers

"Wow. That's a lot of money" I reply astounded and he chuckles

"Yeah. A lot but not much when you have a little girl who wants every barbie she sees" he says

"Well she must get spoilt too much by her daddy" I giggle and he chuckles

"Okay. Time for serious questions... What. Is your favourite colour" he asks and I laugh

"Hey. That's a serious question" he smiles

"It's green. Yours?" I ask

"Sunset orange" and my eyes grow wide

"What?" He says

"Justin. That's his favourite colour. It was always sunset orange. Gale always calls him a wuss though" I explain

"Well. Justin has a great sense of colour" he says and I giggle

"Do you ever take sugar in your tea?" He asks

"Yeah. I take either one or two, doesn't bother me"

"I don't. I hate having sugar. It makes it too sweet"

"Yeah. I think I'll stick with a latte" I admit

"Yeah. A chocolate latte. My favourite" he says

"That's my favourite!" I state shocked and he chuckles and that whole time we just laugh and have fun. After dessert Peeta takes me out on the balcony and we drink our champagne will getting to know what we have in common and not in common, our likes and dislikes, loves and hates and it's nice. I've never done this before.


Peeta Bear 10:30 pm
It was a good date. Up for a second two weeks time?

Mumma Katniss 10:30 pm
It was very lovely. Thank you. And I will be sure to go on a second date😊☺️

Peeta Bear 10:30 pm
Great! Text you more about it next week

Mumma Katniss 10:30 pm
Okay! Sounds good. Night xx

Peeta Bear 10:31 pm
Night. Sleep tight xx

I lay in bed smiling, so far our relationship is starting off great and hopefully it keeps going on like that cause I really want Peeta to meet Justin, I'm sure Justin will enjoy having another man in his life who can spend his free time with him. Oh Peeta. Please stay with me. I need you now more than ever and I don't want to let you go. I love you Peeta.

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