Chapter 14: The Wedding Day

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~Two Days Later~

I wake up feeling no strong arms wrapped around me, nothing and then I remember... It's our wedding day! I shut off my alarm clock which woke me up at 7:00 am as the ceremony starts at 11:00am and it will take a while for everyone to be ready and so people should be arriving any second now. I can't believe that this is my second wedding but this one feels so much better than Gales, this feels right and I'm actually extremely nervous, I love both Peeta and Melody to death and I think Peeta is the one, I see a future with him. I love him so much.

Melody and Justin eat their cereal as the makeup/hairstylists set up and soon the girls start arriving, Annie, Sara, Clove then Johanna and we all get started on two would be in makeup, two in hair and the other has nails of course my hair is done first then it'll be my nails then my makeup and the I'll finally be able to put on my dress, after my hair is done I quickly help Justin and Mel into their outfits, Mel as the flower girl and Justin as the ring boy.


It is now 10:45 am, people should be starting to show up at the ceremony now my heart is beating inanely fast, I'm super nervous but my father reassures me that it'll be okay. When he came through the door he started to tear up as he officially saw me in an actual proper wedding dress I looked good in, luckily my make up is water proof because I have a feeling that today is going to be a day full of tears and smiles.

I breathe in and out as the car starts driving, my hands won't stop shaking, I'm tempted to bite my nails but I can't or my pastel pink coloured nails are ruined and so I steady my breathing and try to control my shaking hands

"Sweetie. Calm down. You'll be fine" dad chuckles placing his hands over mine making the shaking stop and I sigh

"I'm just so nervous" I admit and he smiles

"I know how you feel darling. I know the feeling" he says and I give him a small smile


"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr Mellark. You may kiss your bride" the priest smiles and Peeta and I's lips connect as we share our first marriage couple kiss. Finally. I'm no longer Katniss Everdeen. I'm now Katniss Mellark and soon so will Justin.

I dance with my friends on the dance floor and including some of my childhood best friends who didn't go to my High School but kept in touch with like Olivia, Sarah, Margret. They got to meet the other girls and they all got along great and our night is going perfect.

Peeta and I dance to our first slow song as everyone watches us dancing, I have a giant smile on my face as my husband holds me and leads our feet I hear awe's and flashes every now and again but I don't care, I just want to enjoy this moment of Peeta and I together.


"Mommy do you have to go" Justin frowns, he doesn't like that I'll be gone for a week on our honeymoon. Peeta is taking me to Australia, he remembered when I met and said I've always wanted to go to Australia, just goes to show that there are great guys who listen out there

"I'm sorry bud but I PROMISE that I'll bring heaps of presents home okay?" I say and he nods, I smile and kiss his forehead, him and Mel are staying with Annie and Finnick till we come back. Time for our magical honeymoon. And it was definitely magical.

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