Chapter 20: Gender

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~Few Weeks Later~

I watch as Peeta and Melody colour in her fairy colouring in book and Justin sitting and waiting patiently next to me. The kids begged to come to this scan and Peeta and I agreed I mean their both good and well behaved kids and why not find out the gender as a family? Since the pregnancy Peeta has been extremely helpful, he still goes into work at 5 and comes home at 12 when there isn't major surgeries and by the time he comes home then I'm usually still up on my phone or something when he gets home and he usually massages my shoulders or back or something which makes my day a whole lot better.

"Mellark?" The nurse calls out and we stand up and follow her into a room once we enter just like usual I lay on the hospital bed. She doesn't bother talking me through it seeing as I know what's going on. She sets the gel on my stomach and waves the wand around looking at the screen while hearing our baby's heartbeat thump thump thump I can never get tired of that sound... No matter what I love hearing that sound

"And there's your baby" she smiles pointing to a baby figure and Melodys and Justin's faces light up

"Wow! That's so cool!" Justin states and I smile ruffling his hair

"Now are you wanting to know the gender?" She asks and I nod

"Congratulations. You're having a beautiful baby boy" she says and I turn to Peeta who smiles back at me his eyes all glossy. Awe. Poor baby. So emotional. But I love his sensitivity. After getting two photos printed off Peeta and I take the kids and leave to drive home.


Smut up ahead!

"Mmmm" I moan on Peetas lips. It's currently one in the morning and Peeta got home about ten minutes ago and since he changed into his boxers and came to bed I've been all over him and I know he loves it. How? My whole top half is exposed, no shirt, no bra. Giving Peeta better access, he starts moving his hand down to my shorts slowly sliding them down and I moan at his touch. He slips his hand into my panties and plays around with his fingers and I grip his shoulders gasping

"Ohhhh my" I sigh and he smirks at the affect he's having on me, he starts to finger me, at first with one finger then three. Once he finishes I flip us over so I'm straddling him from his waist, I reach my hand down in his boxers making him groan as I play with him

"Fuck Katniss" he groans as I start giving him a hand job his mouth wide open and once he starts throbbing I remove my hand and he groans and I stand taking off my panties, I walk back over and go into the previous position and slide his boxers off. We get under the covers and we kiss, his hands stay on my breasts massaging them making me moan and while he's distracted I slide down onto him hearing a groan from the back of his throat he carefully flips us and starts slamming

"Fuck me Peeta. Fuck me hard" I moan, thank god the kids are at my dads... We can be as loud as we want

"You got it baby" he smirks kissing me and plunging his tongue in my mouth not even letting me try and fight, he explores my moth with his tongue making me moan, playing with the hairs at the back of my head

"Ohhhh Peeta" I moan as he spills inside me, he falls down next to me panting as am I

"Sex with you when you're pregnant... My God is it amazing" Peeta pants and I giggle and we go to sleep.

Just had to put that smut in there somewhere😂😂😂😂

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