Chapter 7: Meeting The Family

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~Two Years Later~

"Good morning mommy!" Melody squeals running and hugging me, she's started calling 'mommy' now, well ever since two months after Justin and I moved in and now their both like brother and sister, biological

"Morning Mel" I smile holding her in my arms, I can't believe she's five now, she's so big! I walk to the table where Justin is eating his cereal and I place Melody down and I greet my son a good morning than I go into the kitchen to Peeta, shirtless, cooking, I don't know what's better even though we've had sex like a thousand times in several different ways and positions but I'm not getting into that

"Hey baby" he says walking up to me pulling me to him

"Hey" I smile playing with his hair and he smiles leaning in and I smile as our lips touch

"Are you sure you wanna go to that family gathering today? I can call in that I'm sick" he suggests and I shake my head

"No. It's your nieces birthday and besides might as well meet everyone now" I state and he chuckles kissing my forehead and continues making the bacon.


"Daddy! I want glasses!" Melody cries in her car seat as we all except her have sunglasses

"Katniss. Do you mind looking in the glovebox for Mel's Minnie sunnies" Peeta asks with his eyes and I look through finding them and she immediately stops crying

"Thank you mommy!" She giggles and I smile

"Get ready kids cause it's gonna be a long two hours" Peeta says placing his hand on my upper thigh and I just continue scrolling through Facebook on my phone. I am somewhat nervous of meeting his family, although he said everyone is really nice and that his two brothers can also be idiots as well but I don't think I'll care.

So Justin and I have been living with Peeta and Mel for two years now and I've started doing a designing course, what I've always wanted to be, a designer, thanks to Peeta I can do this course and I'll be able to get a job. Justin is in the same school as Melody but his classroom is on the other side of the school and is blocked off but Justin is happy that he's in school and has a daddy who by the way is a great one. He took Justin to the local park and threw baseballs too each other (something Gale never done) and took him too the baseball game and took him too a Batman exhibition and Justin loved it.


We arrive at a home with a heap of cars and and pink and purple balloons tied on the letterbox, Peeta and I help the kids out of their car seats and we get everything out and head up the porch and Peeta knocks, soon a woman about 48 maybe 50 comes to the door smiling and opens it

"Peeta! My boy!" The woman says kissing his cheek

"Hi mom" he smiles

"Look how big you've gotten!" Mom says as she hugs tightly on Justin

"And who's this young lady?" She asks her son

"That's Katniss. She's my girlfriend" he introduces

"And that's her son Justin" he adds

"Well welcome both of you to the family" she smiles and I do too and we walk inside and I just follow Peeta through the home as I hold Justin's hand and we enter a small patio where people are sitting in chairs around tables

"Aye! Peeta!" A man who looks around mid thirties comes up to him

"Hey Rye" he chuckles as his brother hugs him, I remember him saying that Rye is the middle child

"Hey there little bro" another man says about early forties says, that must be Troy than

"Hey. Here's Marrys present" he says giving his brother the present

"Thanks. I'm sure she'll like it" he chuckles and walks off and puts it with the other pile of presents. As Melody plays with her cousins, Justin and I stay by Peetas side, I mean I know that I agreed to come but I'm just really shy to talk to people.


"So Katniss dear. What are you doing or want to do?" Peetas mom starts a conversation as we all are eating at the table and I look over to Peeta and he smiles and nods

"Um well. I'm doing a course of becoming a designer just another year and I can work" I answer

"You like designing?" She says

"Yeah. When my sister and I were little I would design her in some outfits and we would put on a fashion show in front of all our stuffed animals" I smile at the memory

"How sweet. So how'd you meet Peeta?" She asks

"Well. I was going through a rough time with my divorce and difficult job and my friends wanted to take me out clubbing and so my father took care of Justin while I went out. When I got there I sat at the bar as they all went to dance and Peeta was there, we talked and found out we both had things in common and then it lifted off from there" I explain

"Wow. Peeta is usually a shy kid that doesn't know the first thing to say to a girl" Rye smirks making Peeta glare

"At least I'm the most successful one" Peeta smirks making his brother shut straight up

"Now now boys. No need for this behaviour" their mother says calmly yet firmly

"So where are you from?" His mother speaks

"Well originally I'm from Boston but I moved to South Dakota because my dad lived there" I reply and she keeps conversations between us going and Justin starts adjusting in and playing with all of the boys his age and I met Peetas sister Sara who came later on and she's awfully nice like everyone else, his whole family is wonderful and his brothers are really funny, their all good people.

Here's an update. Sorry it took so long🙈🙈🙊🙊

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