Chapter 12: Planning

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Two Months Later

"Nah. I don't like that one" Annie says scrunching up her face at the puffy dress

"Yeah. It's extremely ugly" I giggle and everyone else does too and so I go back to the change room and put on the final dress which in my opinion I love better than all of the dresses, it's nice and simple just for me. Like when Gale and I were getting married he told me that no one could go only his family and my father, anyone else would be thrown out but this wedding Peeta is getting both sides of the family invited and that's why I love him.

"Oh my! Katniss! That's beautiful on you!" Stepmom says and I blush a little red as I keep getting all sorts of compliments about my dress.


I look through the pet store, Peetas birthday is coming up and I know how much he likes dogs and so I'm looking for a dog but there's none in my price range and so I eventually I just leave and drive around while going past houses I slam on my brakes a sign says 'Free Puppies' parking the car nearby, I get out and walk by the basket where an old lady is sitting in a chair, I look in and see two different puppies left and I look to the old woman

"My dog died diving birth to the German Shepherd and my granddaughters Labrador died giving birth as well, most of the puppies have been taken except the two" she explains and I smile hear the small barking/squeaking noises coming from the puppies

"I'll take them both of your hands" I state and she smiles

"Sure dear! They for your child?" She asks getting them ready

"Fiancées birthday tomorrow" I say and she nods putting the two in the cage and handing it too me

"Thank you for taking them" she smiles and I do too

"No problem. Glad you let me take them" I reply and leave.


"You know the kids aren't here..." Peeta trails off backing me against the wall and I smirk putting my arms around his neck

"Seeing as your birthday is tomorrow I'll give you special treatment. Tomorrow you can have EXTRA special treatment and..." I trail off and I feel him getting hard

"I'll let you do anything with my body" I whisper in his ear pressing our bodies closer together making him get harder 

"You're so hot when you talk to me like that" he growls and I giggle but moan as he starts kissing and sucking my neck and so I grind against him making a lower groan come from his throat

"Katniss. I just want to fuck you till you're screaming my name. I'm gonna fuck you harder than ever before" he growls and I smirk

"I doubt it" I reply making him stop and look at me with what I call his 'turned on eyes' which make me want him... So bad

"Oh baby. You're going to be so sore" he smirks before kissing me and I kiss back as he carries me up to our room.


I wake up to hot breathing on my neck and an arm around me and I smile he wasn't joking about making me scream his name, I swear China could hear me and I'm sore, not sore, I'm SORE, I mean I don't think I can walk, he's definitely showed me that he's been there making me giggle silently

"What are you laughing about" he mumbles on my bare shoulder

"Just about you showing me that you've been here" I say and I turn around so that I'm facing him and he smirks

"Of course. I'm marking my territory" he says making me giggle

"It's definitely marked" I say and he chuckles and soon my eyes drift close pulling me into a peaceful sleep.

I don't wanna do a chapter about Peetas b'day but you guys can imagine? Anyway those are the puppies the German Shepard is a girl and Peeta calls her Bianca and the Labradors a boy and is called Bobby

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I don't wanna do a chapter about Peetas b'day but you guys can imagine? Anyway those are the puppies the German Shepard is a girl and Peeta calls her Bianca and the Labradors a boy and is called Bobby.

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