Chapter 30: Big Change

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Three Years Later

I look at the clock that is shown on the microwave and groan at how it looks like the kids are going to be late again. It's hard having four children, especially when two of them are as young as they are. Kayden is a very energetic and very expressive little boy, he's much like his father, although him and Justin are practically best friends but what they have in common is loving watching the football game or doing anything that they can with Peeta which I know he loves. Melody is much more calm and shy, she keeps to herself sometimes but loves cooking and is pretty damn good at it, she's better than I am.

Justin is the protector of the siblings, he's always helping around when Peeta and I are desperate but all up his an amazing boy who we both love dearly. Of course, little Avaleigh is only four weeks and it's too soon to see what she's going to be like but I know that already she is a major daddy's girl, when I'm not feeding her she's in Peetas arms which I enjoy seeing and I'm sure Peeta enjoys it even more.

"You know, even dressed in sweats and my shirt makes you look sexy as hell" Peeta mumbles, hugging me from behind, kissing up my neck

"Slow down cowboy. We just had a baby four weeks ago, I don't know about you but four children was a lot more than I expected to have" I chuckle, turning in his arms to come face to face with his cheeky, boyish grin

"What can I say? My wife is just so god damn beautiful" he says joining our lips for a kiss, my arms go around his neck and he leans me so my lower back is against the side of the counter

"Ew, you two need to slow down. Ava was literally born a month ago" Justin complains, this causes us to break away and I smile at our son as he holds his baby sister who is dressed in an adorable outfit

"Don't worry. Melody chose the outfit, apparently hot pink and lime green don't go together" he says handing her to Peeta who I've just noticed is fully dressed

"Thank you guys for helping out this morning. I slept through the alarm clock" I sigh, kissing the top of Justin's hair as he takes over at packing Kayden's bag while I take Ava and sit on the couch to feed her. Eventually, the three kids say a rushed goodbye to Ava and I but Peeta stays back like he always does

"Remember to call if you need anything, okay? I mean anything. I'll be back later with lunch" he replies kissing me then the top of Ava's head

"I promise I will. Have fun at work" I chuckle and he does to before leaving one more kiss on my forehead then leaving out the front door. Ava sleeps on my chest while I watch TV but my eyebrows furrow when a number I don't recognise calls my phone


"Hello, is this Miss Katniss Everdeen?"

"Katniss Mellark. Yes this is she, who is this and how'd you get my number?"

"I'm sorry. My name is Fredrick Perkins, I am Gale Hawthorne's attorney"

"Oh... is something wrong?"

"No! Well, I was hoping that you'd come to a meeting with the two of us. Gale believes that he's now ready to take on being a father to your and his son"

"Little too late don't you think? About what? Ten years too late"

"Well the court has granted him a chance. I'm sorry that you feel that way Mrs Mellark but it is something that must be done. Is Saturday 12:45 fine?"

"Fine. See ya"

I hang up with a sigh and lay my head back, just as I'm happy... just as Justin is happy, Gale decides to just waltz into his life out of nowhere just now wanting some custody. I really hope that this doesn't negatively affect Justin and if I'm being completely honest I don't trust Gale enough to have some sort of custody but I'm good enough that I'll let him try to prove himself.


Peeta and I walk into the room that has Gale, his attorney and my attorney sitting at a table. I take a seat next to my attorney and grip Peetas free hand, Ava is in his other arm, which he gives a little squeeze at which helped me calm myself

"Now that we're all here. I'm just going to get started with obviously Gale is now wanting joint custody of Justin. Now, the court is giving us a chance to come to some sort of agreement before it's in session. Gale and I talked things over and we were seeing how every second weekend sounds?" After hearing this man my eyes grow wide

"Every second weekend?! Justin barely knows him other than that he's his biological father" I reply

"It's a fair deal, Katniss" Gale speaks

"No, it's not. My son isn't just object that we all get to bet on. I understand, Gale that you might've changed, if you have then I'm happy for you but Justin isn't four years old anymore. Peeta is all he's ever known and I don't want that ruined just because you think that after all of these years from what you did to me which you haven't even apologised for, wanted to out of the blue get some custody" I snap at them

"Now, now. I'll have to agree that it's pretty fair" my attorney agrees but I just scoff

"I think we're all looking at this differently. I agree with Katniss completely but also I see where you're coming from. Once a month, for now is probably best for Justin. He needs to adjust to having his biological father in his life although I think the best option here is letting Justin decide what he wants. If he really wants this or not" Peeta explains, I look at him with a loving and thankful smile which he returns

"I guess that's meeting in the middle. Gale? How does that sound?" Fred asks, Gale sighs

"Okay, I'll agree with that" he replies, that then closes the meeting and before we leave Gale pulls me aside

"I know you don't believe it but I have changed. I know I've done shitty things in the past and I'm deeply sorry for it and hope for a fresh slate in which I hope that we can be civil. I've even got a wife now and a ten year old daughter" he replies with a smile

"That's great, Gale. It means a lot hearing this but it also doesn't change what you did to Justin and I, it was extremely shitty" I say

"Trust me, I know. My wife knows all about it from the start and even she said it was extremely shitty of me but being the good hearted woman she is chose to stay with me which I still don't understand why. Anyways, thank you again" he smiles

"If it were my choice, you wouldn't be seeing Justin at all. I'm not the one that you should thank" I reply looking over to Peeta who's smiling as he talks with the two attorneys, Gale is pretty damn lucky that Peeta was here today and that Peeta actually sympathised for him because like I had told Gale, if it were up to me he wouldn't be seeing Justin at all.

So, I actually updated this book. Sorry for the long wait haha (three months is a while, I know😂😂)

Got the main inspiration from kmaynard62213

Originally was gonna do a chapter than epilogue but imma keep this going for a little while longer

Also thank you lovelies for 1K you guys are just gems

Kisses to all x (Cheryl Blossom Quote, mk bye now)

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