Chapter 2: In His Arms

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I wake up with soft breathing on my neck. I smile remembering last night. I had a feeling this wasn't going too turn into a one night stand. Last night was the best night I've ever had and hopefully it happens again some day, I feel my phone ding from my bag, carefully without waking Peeta I look at my phone 10 missed texts from Annie Bear

Annie Bear 10:30 pm
Kat? Where are you? Can't find you?

Annie Bear 10:45 pm
Where all worried about you😖😖😖

Annie Bear 11:00 pm
Hello? Answer please Katniss!

Annie Bear 11:15 pm
You're starting to worry me😫😫😫

Annie Bear 11:30 pm
We're all out with flashlights looking for you

Annie Bear 11:50 pm
Are you dead?! Please don't be dead

Annie Bear 11:59 pm
Answer Katniss! You haven't seen any!

Annie Bear 12:09 am
We're all going to find you tomorrow. Please be okay

Annie Bear 11:31 am
Are you gonna answer

Annie Bear 12:47 pm
Are you there?

I laugh silently. She worries about everything and so I don't want too worry her any longer so I write back

Mumma Katniss 12:49 pm
I'm here Annie. I'm safe

Annie Bear 12:49 pm
Oh thank god! Where have you been?!

Mumma Katniss 12:50 pm
I'll tell you when I come back home. But I'm safe I promise. Just tell my dad I'll be home in about forty minutes if not fifty

Annie Bear 12:51 pm
Oki doki. Hurry back💜💜

Mumma Katniss 12:51 pm
Will do. See you soon💙💙

Rolling my eyes I shut off my phone and lay back down, I turn over to see Peetas sleeping face, with a smile, making me smile, so he smiles in his sleep that's adorable. I stroke hair from his forehead and place a soft kiss on his lips and he smiles opening his eyes sleepily

"Hey" he says in his morning voice and I smile

"Morning sleepy head" I say and he groans and lays his head on my chest and I giggle

"I have too leave soon. I need to pick up my son from my dads house but first go to my friends house" I explain

"Well. Will you agree to go on a date with me? Just us two?" He asks lifting his head and I smile

"Of course" I reply

"But I want to see how we go for about a month or two before we tell anyone okay?" I say and he nods, great, just leave your number on that notepad there and I'll text you every soon" he says as I write my number down. We both get dressed and he insists on driving me to Annie's and so I agree.


"Okay. So you guys just hooked up? No strings attached?" She asks and I shrug

"I'm not gonna tell you anymore. End of story. Thanks for taking me out last night though. Had heaps of fun" I reply and she smiles and hugs me

"No problem Kat" she says and so I go back too my crappy car and drive to my fathers house to pick up my baby boy who I've missed so much.

As I get out and shut my door, Justin comes running out yelling 'mommy!' And jumps into my arms

"Hey buddy! You liked it a at pops house?" I asks and he nods his head

"Yeah! We went to Hogs Breath with Aunty Prim and Uncle Rob!" He says

"No way!" I gasp

"Yeah!" He smiles and my dad walks out with his Spider-Man bag

"Thanks again dad"

"No problem princess. Love seeing monkey whenever I can" he says and Justine laughs at his nickname, I kiss my dad goodbye and I strap Justin in his car seat and drive back home too our crappy apartment.


Unknown 7:00 pm
Hey beautiful😊☺️

Mumma Katniss 7:00 pm

Unknown 7:00
That's my name

Mumma Katniss 7:01 pm
Oh hey☺️😊

Peeta Bear 7:01 pm
What you doin right now?

Mumma Katniss 7:01 pm
Nothing much. Stirring some veggies and cooking some fish, you?

Peeta Bear 7:02 pm
Just dropped Melody off at my brothers. So lonely😢😢😢

Mumma Katniss 7:02 pm
I would come but Justin doesn't want me too leave and I'm cooking our dinner soooo... Sorry😂😂😂

Peeta Bear 7:03 pm
How bout that date?😏😏😏

Mumma Katniss 7:03 pm
Sure. When and Where?

Peeta Bear 7:03 pm
Dinner at my place. Fancy-casual attire🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 next week Saturday at 7

Mumma Katniss 7:04 pm
Sounds great! Better go. Dinner is almost done

Peeta Bear 7:04 pm
Oki doki. Talk to you tomorrow, love xx

I smile while turning off my phone, I'll be going on a date, a proper date. When I was with Gale all he did was take me out for ice cream after two years of dating. Nine months later Justin was born. We were fresh out of college too but I don't regret having Justin. He's my light and acts nothing like Gale, even my dad said he acts more like me but has Gales nose, hair and lips but my ears, eyes and personality

"Mommy. I don't like living here" Justin says as we eat on the floor and I sadly smile

"I know bud but it's all we can afford" I sigh and he frowns

"I know it's hard baby boy. But just hold on for mommy okay?" I ask and he nods and I smile kissing his forehead

"That's my boy"

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