Chapter 26: Dad's House

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I smile as I put on Kaydens shoes, he looks so cute! So cute it's unbelievable! Today is Prims birthday and we're having it at my dads, the kids are excited to see their granddad. Kayden is still a little sick but he's not insanely sick, his fever has gone down a lot but he's still a little sick. I hold him on my side and walk downstairs to were the kids are watching TV and Peeta is preparing some last minute things. I place Kayden on his play mat and he screams and starts to cry. I walk away and hear him cry even more and scream louder and so I walk back and pick him up

"Shhhh. It's okay" I coo as he grips onto my shirt. I guess he's having one of those days. I end up taking him upstairs to Peeta and I's room and get ready. Kayden usually has the days where he wants me and me only and it does get annoying but he should get over it but he's just a big mommys boy.


We knock on my dads door and he opens it smiling. Justin and Melody both hug him and I hug and kiss him and he hugs Peeta and we're let in

"How's little Kayden" he says and Kayden just lays his head on my chest sucking on his pacifier

"He's having one of his days" I say stroking his head while walking in the living room and Prim runs up and hugs me carefully seeing as Kayden is laying on my chest

"He's not feeling his best. He's still a little sick" I admit

"Awe poor thing" she says and for the whole party Kayden never went to anyone but me.

Sorry it's so short.... And very crappy

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