Chapter 25: The Encounter

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~8 Months Later~

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~8 Months Later~

"See ya baby" Peeta smiles kissing me and I smile

"Bye. Love you" I reply and he smiles

"Love you too" he replies and he kisses Kaydens forehead. Poor baby, hasn't been feeling the best, it's just a small thing and he's been subscribed with some medicine which he bravely takes. Kayden is such a good baby and Justin and Melody love playing with him and he loves them playing with him. I've been able to go to work then and again just so that were earning money. I only do it when Peetas home and when Kayden isn't sick.

I strap Kayden in his car seat making sure he's tightly strapped. I've decided to take the kids to the shops cause we need some more diapers and baby wipes and things for Mel and Justin for school. I get in the front seat and put on music for the kids who sing along. How did I get so lucky? Three wonderful kids. A sexy and amazing husband. My life has gotten so much better now that Gale is out of the picture and that's how it'll stay he doesn't deserve to be in Justin's life. Technically making us homeless by kicking us out, there's no way he can make it up to me.


I push the trolley through the breakfast isle while Melody stands at the end and Justin walks beside me and Kayden in the seat built in which is facing me. The kids pick out a cereal each while Kayden squeals in frustration trying to reach out. He's like his father, he wants all the food in the world, Peeta, he will just eat and eat and so does Kayden. As I turn down a isle my eyes grow wide, oh no... It's Gale and it's too late to turn back, he's spotted me and he's walking up to me and before I can back up he's already here

"Hey Katniss" he smiles

"Gale" I reply in total disgust

"Hey Justin. I'm your daddy" Gale smiles and Justin backs away and closer to me

"Don't you remember Justin you're last name is Hawthorne" Gale says

"Actually. It's Mellark. And so is mine" I reply and Gale looks at me clearly angry

"What? You can't take my son away from me" he says

"Actually I can. He's no longer yours" I reply

"We made him Katniss" he growls

"Yeah. But he acts more like my husband than you" I snap and he glares

"I'm glad I threw you and that thing out" he says and slap him hard across the face and continue down the isle with the kids. He's such an asshole.


I sigh laying down by Peeta. I just finished putting down Kayden, the house is now quiet the kids are all asleep

"What's wrong?" Peeta asks

"I saw Gale today. He talked to me" I state turning my head to Peeta

"What did he say?" He asks

"Just that I can't keep Justin away from him but I told him he's not his child anymore" I say and Peeta rolls his eyes and he hovers over me making me smile

"Forget about him" he says placing a kiss on my neck making me sigh

"Just... Forget..." He unbuttons one of the buttons on my pyjama shirt

"All..." Then the next button

"About..." The next one

"Him" he slips his hand through the undone buttons and massaging my breast through my bra

"You really know how to make me want to have sex with you don't you?" I giggle brushing some of his curls from his face and he smirks kissing me and let's just say he made me forget.


I wake up and yawn and smile feeling Peetas bare chest against my bare back. I turn and lay against his chest and I feel him rub my back. These are the mornings which just make my days a whole lot better. I feel him kiss the top of my head and I smile kissing his chest

"We better get up. We're going to your dads today" Peeta says

"Okay" I sigh sitting up and standing up to get out an outfit while Peeta watches and I go to our bathroom door

"Well... Are you coming to have a shower or not?" I say and he's up and over in a second and I don't really need to explain what happened in the shower.

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