Chapter 17: First Scan

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~A Month Later~

Peeta and I wait anxiously in the waiting room for the doctor to call our name out. This will be our first child together and it's nerve racking when you're having a kid. I know that we've already both have had one but this will be our first kid together but I know that we'll be okay as long as we have each other. Justin and Melody were so excited when they found out that mom was going to have a baby. Melody told her teacher in school. Justin told all his friends and teacher. I think over at how far I've come from before... It was a hard path to take but I made it to the end where my new happy life waited for me and I love this life so much better than my old one and so does Justin.

"Mellark?" The doctor calls out our name and we stand following him into a room set up with the ultrasound things

"Just lay on there Mrs Mellark" he smiles and I lay down and Peeta grabs a seat and sits next to me, taking my hand in his

"Now. This will be cold" he announces and I nod already knowing and he squirts it on after turning on the machine which will show us our baby. Not exactly in a baby form... You know what I mean. He waves the wand around my stomach and stops on one spot

"There..." He points to the blob

"Is your baby" Peeta and I smile at each other and he kisses me than wiped off the gel softly

"Now you go to the front desk and fill in some papers and get your special vitamins" he instructs as I hop off the bed and I nod

"Thank you" Peeta thanks and the doctor smiles and nods as we walk out the door and deal with the stuff at the front desk.


"Look guys. It's a baby" I say as Justin and Mel walk in after Peeta picked them up from school

"But that doesn't look like a baby mommy" Mel confusingly states

"That's because right now it's the size of a jelly bean" I reply and she giggles showing where her two front teeth fell out making her look so much cuter

"I love jelly beans. Don't I daddy" she smiles looking at Peeta and he chuckles

"That's right sweetheart" he says kissing her cheek and I show Justin

"Can I come with you next time you have a scan?" Justin asks

"Me too!" Mel pipes in and I look to Peeta who smiles and so do I

"Of course you can! But you both have to be very well behaved okay?" I say and they nod

"Well. Come on. Time for homework" Peeta says and he helps the kids while I take a warm long bath.

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