Chapter 11: Our Plans

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"Oh my god! You're engaged!" Annie squeals and I smile as she admires my ring

"Oh my fricken God! That's so beautiful!" She gawks making me giggle and little two year old Levi sits on the floor playing with his toys

"So do you have any plans?" She asks

"Well. Our plan is just a small wedding you know, close family and friends and that's it. We're going to have it somewhere by the beach or somewhere popular and so far that's all we've gotten into" I reply and she smiles

"I can't wait till the wedding! It's going to be great!" She squeals, what's good for Peeta and I is that we know that the first year of marriage is hard but I know we'll pull through

"Mommy. I done poo" Levi says walking to Annie

"Uhhhh. I remember those days" I smile and she rolls her eyes

"I'm always the one to do this stuff cause Finnick is to childish and says that he'll vomit if he does it" she admits

"If you think that's bad. Gale never even tried. I was the one that done the cleaning, the feeding, the diapers and all that crap" I complain as she takes the diaper off her son

"Yeah. But I'd have to agree with Finnick that it's not all pleasant" she says making me giggle.


"I'm tho excited mommy! You'll be my real mommy and I can wear a white dreth and I can walk with you done the ithle" Melody smiles not speaking properly as she's lost her two front teeth making me smile

"You sure can and you can throw flower petals as you walk" I add and she jumps up and down as I stir the stew, waiting for Peeta and Justin to come back from the park, Peeta and Justin do something every Tuesday and Wednesday, Melody and I is Monday and Thursday and then Saturday and Sunday is either relax time or going out as a family, then there's Friday night, Peeta and Is date night and the kids take turns, sometimes their with my dad and sometimes with Peetas parents.

So because Peeta and I work we haven't been able to plan as much as we want too, we were wanting to have a Summer wedding and hurry with the planning but we've still got a few months but you'd be surprised at how fast a few months can go by. At least Peeta and I have talked dates and decided on July 10th, so it'll be nice and warm no one will have to worry if it's going to be cold or not and so they know the attire.


"You do know the first year will be the toughest year" I say as Peeta and I lay in bed

"I know baby but we'll make it through and we'll all be a family" he says in the dark

"When we're married... I want to change Justin's birth certificate to Justin Gabriel Mellark" I admit and Peeta turns the lamp on making me sit up

"Are you sure? I mean that's a big step" he says astonished and I shyly smile

"I mean I've got a feeling that we'll be together forever and so why not change it too Mellark" I explain and he brightly smiles

"If that's what you want" he says

"Trust me. That's all I want" I reply and he kisses me and we go to sleep.

Very short but I'm gonna go too bed now it's 10:06 pm and I got school tomorrow.

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