Chapter 5: Meeting The Son/Meeting The Daughter

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~Two Months Later~

Peeta and I have secretly been hanging out/dating for about three months now and we think it's going good. I mean we've already had tiny arguments but it's completely normal cause it only happens well I can't even remember what they were about but we talk things over and we'll have make up sex, I know it's dirty but it's true and it's great. Today is the day that I tell Justin that I'm dating someone and Peeta will be here in five minutes too meet him. I find Justin playing in his tiny room with his marvel action figures

"Justin. Mommy has too tell you something" I say and he stands up and we sit on the couch

"Now. Mommy has been hanging out with a very nice man" I start

"Is he your friend mommy?" He asks and I giggle

"No. He's my boyfriend darling. He will be here in two more minutes and you'll get to meet him" I say and he nods

"But you've got too be extra good to him for mommy okay?" I ask and he smiles and hugs me

"I will mommy" he replies


Soon there's a knock on the door but Justin got bored and went into his room and so I stand and walk to the door and open it smiling when I see Peeta and he smiles back

"Hey baby" he says and kisses me as he shuts the door and we make out against the wall

"Peeta. I want you too meet someone" I whisper and he nods. I take his hand and lead him too Justin's room and we see Justin playing with his figures

"Justin" I speak up and his head snaps up in my direction and he sees Peeta

"Hi Justin. I'm Peeta Mellark" he introduces sitting with Justin and Peeta watches as he plays with the figures

"I'm Justin" he replies and I smile

"Batman is my favourite" Peeta admits and Justin smiles

"He's my favourite too!"

"Have you seen the movies?" Peeta asks

"No. Mommy can't afford them" he frowns and I sadly smile

"Hey. One day you can come to my house and I'll let you watch all the batmans you want" Peeta says and Justin smiles

"Yay!" He squeals and I giggle


It's been three weeks since Peeta and Justin met and all Justin does is ask 'when's Peeta coming back?' 'I want to watch batman with him'. He's always asking for Peeta and so I tell Peeta and he just smiles and says he wants to meet him again too but now that Peeta has met my son Justin. Today I'm meeting his daughter Melody, all I know is that she has blonde hair and Peetas eyes, hopefully this goes well.

"How bout. After all this I take you out for dinner?" He says grabbing his keys and unlocking his door

"Melody will be home in a moment. She's at my brothers house at the moment. Which gives us five minutes" he smirks and starts kissing me and I giggle as he takes it too the couch, him on top with me underneath, Peeta always wants to be the dominate one when we do this and all too soon we have to brake apart as there's a knock at the door and he disappears and all I hear is a small voice say 'daddy!' And some talking and then the sound of a door shutting and that's when Peeta walks in holding a girl maybe the same age of Justin maybe a little younger

"Melody. This is daddys girlfriend Katniss. Katniss this is Melody" he introduces and I smile

"Hi Melody. Your daddy won't stop talking about you" I say smiling and she giggles

"Daddy always says your name---"

"Well. Melody let's get you unpacked" Peeta intrudes

"No. No. No. What were you going to say darlin?" I smirk

"Daddy always says your name when he's sleeping" she giggles and I do too, awe, Peeta's blushing, how cute.

"Oh. And this is my doggy Sir Laughs A lot" she shows me her stuffed dog, Melody doesn't act anything like Delly. She's just like a cute pretty version of Peeta besides the nose and eyebrows

"Wow. I love all of your toys" I smile and she giggles and there's a little knock on the door and we see Peeta

"Sorry to reck this girl sesh. But Katniss has too go now"

"Awwwwwwwe. But I want her too stay for a while longer" Melody whines

"Sorry baby girl but she's got a son to pick up" he says and Melody hugs me, surprised I hug her back

"Will you come back Katniss?" She asks and I smile

"I sure will"


"Oh my god! You have a boyfriend?!" Annie exclaims as Justin plays on her floor with Annie's kitten

"He loves batman like me! He's very nice!" Justin says and Annie smiles

"Well?! A picture would be nice!" She squeals and I roll my eyes and go through my photos and show her Peeta

"Oh god! He's so fudging hot! So much hotter than Gale" she states and I laugh

"A lot nicer too"

"All you gotta do is get him to meet your family and for him too meet me" she states and I giggle, Justin stands up and walks outside the backyard and Annie faces me

"Have you guys... You know. Done it?" She asks. Annie isn't that big on saying the word sex. She is innocent unlike the rest of us

"Yeah..." I trail off blushing

"So, he's the guy that you hooked up with at the club!" She realises

"Wait. You only just noticed that?" I laugh

"Yeah. Well I better meet him"


"So. I was wondering if maybe Justin and Mel can meet?" I talk to Peeta sitting on the fire escape

"Awe. That would be lovely"

"Mel misses you. Like a lot"

"I miss her too. Justin misses you as well"

"How about you come over tomorrow then? Bring Justin"

"Yeah. We'll be there"

"Okay. See you then. Love you"

"Love you too"

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