Chapter 27: Fathers Day

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~Two Months Later~

I wake up and I see as usual Peetas arm around my waist and that's when I remember... It's Father's Day today... I carefully get out of bed so I don't wake him up, I walk to Kydens room and see him still asleep, I walk up to his crib and rub his back and he yawns opening his eyes, I pick him up and he keeps his head on my chest as I wake up Justin and Melody. We go downstairs and I get everything out and I put Kayden in his high chair so I can cook

"Mom. Are you sure you'll be able to cook without burning it?" Justin asks

"Hey. I'm quite capable of cooking..." I tell my ten year old son and he rolls his eyes

"You be quiet and go help your sister get your fathers Fathers Day presents from the basement" I say and both him and Melody run to the basement to get their fathers presents, Melody and Justin made cards and other things at school for Peeta which I took time to wrap for them and I got him stuff of my own, like a new expensive watch, some DVD's, a photo frame that has a picture of Justin holding a small square black board in in blue chalk it says 'We' then Mel is holding one and it says 'Love' then I'm holding one which says 'You' and then Kayden is sitting on a chair looking next to him and his says 'Daddy' and I got him the new high tops he goes on about.

After the breakfast is done and nicely set up Justin takes the tray and Melody takes the glass of orange juice making Kayden scream wanting to join and I put his pacifier in his mouth to make him quiet. Melody and Justin come down shortly after and I get them plates of leftovers and I get Kayden some and then I get myself some and we eat, dad is having a little Fathers Day get together at his house but we will be leaving at about threeish cause then we're going to Peetas parents for dinner, busy day today.

The kids and I walk upstairs and into mine and Peetas room, Melody and Justin run and get up on the bed crawling to Peeta

"Daddy! Open mine first!" Melody squeals making Peeta chuckle and I sit next to Justin and cross my legs sitting Kayden in my lap

"Woah! A bead bracelet!" Peeta says and looks at the box of things she made, Justin then gives Peeta his present and Peeta smiles as he made a card which says 'My Hero' our sweet boy

"Dada, dada" Kayden repeats and he crawls to Peeta handing him the small box, Peeta then opens the next present and the next and now for the last, the picture, I give it to him and when he opens it and he smiles giving me the sign that he loves it.


We walk into my dads home after knocking and dad comes walking to us and hugs Justin and Melody and hugs Peeta and I hug him and give him a kiss

"Happy Father's Day daddy" I smile handing him a present

"Oh thank you princess" he replies smiling and he takes Kayden so I can enjoy my glass of mine and talk to my siblings

"So. Will we be seeing anymore kids from you?" Lily asks holding her six month old daughter

"Maybe... I mean Kayden isn't one yet" I reply sipping my wine

"I don't know... You'll be surprised at how you can get pregnant just like that" she replies giggling and I look over to Prim her six month old belly popping out

"What's it like having a first kid?" She asks

"It's nice... It'll be hard but I'm sure you'll want more when your little Cecilia is born" I advice and she smiles rubbing her tummy

"I remember when our little Harry was born" Lily sighs

"He's just a year younger than Justin right?" I ask and she smiles

"Yeah. He loves school though. I'm sure that'll change when he's older"

"Tell me about it"

Fathers Day special! For me it's still Father's Day maybe not to many of you though. So Happy Fathers Day Peeta Mellark!!!

 So Happy Fathers Day Peeta Mellark!!!

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