Chapter 6: Children Meeting/Big Problem

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~3 Weeks Later~

"Ms Everdeen. You haven't paid rent for two months now" the manager states

"What? But I-I, if you kick us out then where will we go?" I say and he sighs

"I know. I'm sorry. Everyone here loves both you and your son but we have to treat you like everyone else. My wife wants you to pack you and your sons bags and out of here" he sadly explains and leaves, where will we go? My father is getting old now so we can't stay there, Annie and Finnick are engaged and organising the wedding now so I can't stay there, Jo and Clove are roommates in a two bedroom apartment so I can't stay there, I have no where else to go... My biggest fear has come true. We're poor. I've got no credit on my phone anymore and so I can't call anyone. What a cruel world we live in.


"Mommy. Why are we in the car with all of our stuff?" Justin asks sitting in his car seat and I sigh

"It's fine. Mommy has just been having a little... Trouble with the money of keeping this place" I sigh and he frowns, he's a child, but he's not stupid, he knows that we've been kicked out and he knows that we've got no where else too go.


I pull up to an apartment complex. I need someone too talk too. I need to talk to Peeta and tell him that I'm thinking of moving back too Boston as life when I lived there wasn't so hard for me. I mean I had too pull Justin out of day care as it was too much money and he starts school next year and it's all just a big mess.

I knock on Peetas apartment door and he answers it and smiles and I sadly smile, how can I really smile when I'm homeless?

"What's wrong?" He frowns letting us in

"Hey Justin. My batman movies are in the lounge. How bout you go watch one" Peeta says and Justin smiles and runs into the lounge as Peeta takes my hand and takes me too his room

"What happened?" He asks and I sigh tears filling up my eyes

"We got kicked out of our apartment. My job fired me. I've only got $49 in my bank account. Justin knows what's going on too. He knows we're not living there anymore" I state and continue

"I just feel that I failed as a parent. All I want for Justin is a roof over his head. I can't even do that."

"Then. Why don't you move in with me? I've got an extra room he can have. You can sleep with me. Justin and Melody can get to know each other" he says and I sigh

"I don't know Peeta. I feel like well just be a burden" I say

"Come on. I'm looking at buying a nice house away from the city and its closer to my work. Move with me. We're only moving an hour away. We can get a seven roomed house and Justin and Mel can have their own rooms. I can help you get a good job. Please baby" he begs and I think. I'd hate to use Peeta for his money but I love him and I guess moving in with him won't be such a bad idea

"Fine. We'll live with you" I smile and he does too and we kiss which leads too something else...


"Katniss!" Melody squeals running through the door and I smile

"Hey Melody. I missed you. Come with me. I want you too meet someone" I take her hand and lead her to where Justin is sitting, watching Batman with Peeta

"Justin. Come here" Peeta pauses the movie as Justin walks too me

"Yes mommy?"

"This is Melody. Peetas daughter. Melody this is my son Justin" I introduce

"Hi Justin! Peeta is my daddy!" She says

"Do you want to watch Batman with us?" He asks shyly

"Yeah!" She exclaims and goes too sit in her fathers lap and watch her and Justin bond which makes me smile. Hopefully this is how my life will be from now on. I want it too be like this. Hopefully we can all be a family.

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