Chapter 1

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This starts after Rose (and also Jack) have been rescued. It starts when Rose wakes up and sees the boat and then goes back to sleep. Then the fanfiction starts from there aboard the ship.

Hope you enjoy :)


Rose POV

I could hear voices shouting out. I can see lights flashing going off like fireworks with different flashes of colors when I close my eyes. I knew I was safe. As I looked down towards the ground I saw Jack the love of my life, wrapped up in a tight ball in a blanket trying to stay warm. Then I got a headache and fell back asleep.

*I then spring to life suddenly*

"JACK!", I cry, as I shoot up right of of my sleep.  Then a lady came into the room.

"Oh you're awake", she said cheerfully, "Doctor will be with you in a moment. He's just coming now. For now I need you to stay in bed miss.", as she then tucked me in,"You still have a fever from the water so we still need to keep you tucked up and warm to break it." ,then the doctor walked. I felt sick.

"Well you're finally awake which is good", he said pulling out all of his utensils," Now can you tell me what is your name?"

"Rose", I replied.

"Well Rose you are a very lucky women. You survived the sinking of the Titanic and your fever has just about broken. I'll say when we dock in New York you will be bright as a fiddle.", he replied happily. I then felt acid climbing up my throat, I had no choice but to let it out. I immediately lent over the side of the bed and vomited everywhere just missing the doctor,"Well that's a sign that your organs and muscles are now working back in order", he replied. But then I did it again. After that I felt awful I felt like I had no energy in me and I was pure white. While I was laying their the doctor and the nurse were whispering to each other about something that I couldn't make out on. The nurse then lifted up my sheets and dress while the doctor was getting his tools, which one looked like a horn. He then placed it on the bottom of my stomach. His face then was astonished as he got up as he passed the horn thing around to the nurse to listen. Then she checked her side and came up with the same face. They both just looked across from on another and eventually swapped sides and then went over to talk. All I could make out was "Their is a faint heartbeat.", that's when the nurse bent down by bed and asked me a question.

"Rose, on the Titanic did you have any relations? At all?"

"Well yes...yes I did. Why?", I asked.

"Rose you're pregnant, with twins.", she said. I was shocked.

"But how?", I asked, "I only did it a few hours before the Titanic went down. I don't get it how the baby or babies would of survived. Especially when I was in the water for an hour"

"Well their is a chance that your carrying fertual twins. Which means that while you were in the water your organs were still working and while that embrio was dying because of the cold, another came through making you having twins. Now I know this may be a little hard for you to understand right now, but if you could just bare with we...", I eventually zoned out. All I could think about was Jack and that I was carrying his children. I didn't even know where he is. I don't even know if he is dead or alive for that matter. All I knew was that he is on this boat dead or alive. And I must find him.

"I need to go", I said trying to get out of bed using the rest of my energy. Then I was forced to get back into bed by the doctor and the nurse.

"You need rest Rose and to stay warm", the nurse told me as she tucked me in for the second time, while the doctor slowly strides towards the door.

"Well I'm off to my next patients", the doctor said, "Let me know if anything changes", as he then opened the door.

"Wait!", I called out,"Is one of your patients name Jack Dawson?", I asked.

"No I don't have a patient named Jack Dawson, but I do have a few patients that have hyperfermia that still haven't woken up since arriving here. Maybe one of them could be him. I don't know. Why are you asking? Is he the father?"

"Yes yes he is", I replied with.

"What does he look like? What boat did he come on?"

"He was right next to me on the lifeboat just before we boarded the ship. And ummm...well he is tanned and has the most perfect light blue eyes to go with blond hair and skin colour. And he is skinny but not that skinny and ummm... Well that's it. That's basically what Jack looks like. And I know for a fact that when he wakes up that he will be looking for me so..."

"Ok then", doctor replied, "I'll leave finding Jack up to you then nurse. I'm sure you can manage finding young Jack for Rose besides I have to go and wiz off to my other patients right about now so I better be off. I will come and swing by to see how you and the babies are doing. But for the meantime you must stay warm. You still have a bit of fever which should go away in a few hours up to a day or two depending on how warm you stay/get ok? It's not hard to do so I better be off then", shutting the door behind him leaving me and the nurse alone in this big room.

"Ok then Rose. I hope you are warm enough in bed"

"Yes,  yes I am", I replied shyly.

"Ok then. I will just pop out and go and investigate where Mr Dawson may be for you ok? Don't go anywhere", as she then put on her jacket and walked out leaving me in a big empty room all to myself.

I eventually laid on my side and found myself looking at my reflection. I was as white as ghost and the only thing that as glowing was my red hot fiery hair and my deep blue eyes that I saw the deep Atlantic with. I eventually had the idea to get up and look around at the new boat I was staying on. At the end of my bed I was laying in I saw a thin piece of material that looked big enough to be a blanket. I then stubble out of bed and wrapped myself up in it to keep me warm.

Book 1: Breaking Free Making It Count (Titanic Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now