Chapter 14

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Roses Pov

*The next morning*

I woke up with a empty bed beside me. The room was so quite that I couldn't even hear a breath of wind. Where has everyone gone? Jacks bed beside me was empty with nothing untouched or removed from around it. Where was everyone? I then start to get off my bed and onto my feet for the first time in hours. My ankles hurt with all the forcing weight that they haven't felt in ages. I then felt something tugging on me. Wanting to pull me back on my arm. I then look down to my right arm and see a tube going into my arm. It was feeding me from on of the stands from the hospital that has a bag hanging down from it. I then had no choice but to rip it out "ow ow ow ow ow", I said to myself as I slowly ripped it out. "There", I said relived it was out. With now a small drop of blood coming out of where the needle was once placed. I then start to stumble over to a medical bench which had all of his tools to butcher anything on earth.
Did he cut open me to abortion the twins? What did he do to me? What is wrong with me? My hands then make my way down to my abdomen to feel if the babies were still alive and moving. And thank god they were. I could feel them moving inside with their little tummies growling away. I then look up and spot some cotton buds to stop the bleeding on my arm.

I then slowly walk towards a door which had light coming from underneath. As I got closer I heard voices and they got clearer and clearer as I approached. I then peeped through glass which was inbuilt in to the door. There I saw Jack, doctor Cooper and an old women which I think is his wife. I then slowly turn the door handle to enter the room. They didn't even know I was standing there until the door was fully opened back to the wall. I can tell everyone is speechless because they haven't said anything yet. They didn't even move, not one single bit.

"Rose?", Jack said walking over to me, "Are you ok? Are you alright?" he asked me, "Do you feel any pain or sickness at all? Do you feel like fainting or having a lie down at all?"

"No Jack", I said, "I'm fine now. I'm just hungry now that's all"

"Well you got up just in time for breakfast Rose", said the women who I don't know," Come and join us", she said to me and Jack inviting us to the table.

"Oh I almost forgot Rose", he said rushing over the fridge, "Heres your breakfast for this morning. Now I know it might not look like much and pretty gross and disgusting. But all of it is just squashed up Apple", he said putting the bowl in front of me. "It will build your strength and energy up. And help give you fluids and irons and minerals. Plus it will be easy on the stomach for you to digest", I just nodded in agreement with him.
I mean come on. It's just squashed Apples. Apples are still apples right? But just in case I need some cinnamon.

"Umm excuse me is there any cinnamon?", I asked hoping that they have some.

"While yes love just in the kitchen cupboard over there", she said pointing to the cupboard in the corner. I then hop ou of my seat and start searching for the cinnamon hidden in the cupboard. Got it. I then went back down to my seat and sprinkled it onto my squashed apples. Well here goes nothing. I then put my squashed apples in my mouth. Everyone just stares and looks at me while I was chewing on them.

"Well then?", Dr Cooper asks, "How do they taste? Are they nice?". I then swallowed to speak.

"Mmmmmm they're delicious", I respond putting more in my mouth. Everyone just smiled and dug into theirs.

A few minuets went by with dead silence all you could hear was the dead banging sounds of the cutlery against the plates. It wasn't until Mrs Cooper? spoke up.

"So Jack and Rose what is next for you two?", she asked us. With Jack swallowing down his mouthful.

"Well, we plan on getting married very soon. And ummm probably preparing for the twins after that. But ummm... I think that's mainly it for us", he says looking at me to add on on. I just smile.

"Oh how wonderful! you're going to get married and have children. That's so sweet you two. You two are going to be perfect parents for the kids. I have no doubt about that.", Mrs Cooper said to both of us. We both just smiled at each other because their was nothing but happiness about that.

We then all finished and washed and rinsed our plates in the kitchen sink. And before we knew it we would have to say goodbye.

"Goodbye sweet pea", Mrs Cooper said to me as we hugged.

"Goodbye Jack", Mr Cooper said to Jack as they shook their hands firmly.

"Bye Carol thank you for the breakfast you cooked this morning", Jack said as he hugged her.

"My pleasure Jack. Do come on back next time", she said.

"Thank You Dr Cooper", I said.

"Now you take care now Rose. And if anything happens just give me a call and I will be tight over. And just start off on soft nutritious foods before getting back into the hard stuff ok?."

"Ok. I'll be fine now Dr Cooper besides, I have Jack to look after me now." , I said to him as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I then hopped in the car and waved goodbye.

*In the car*

"Jack where are we going?", I asked him.

"Well we need to plan our wedding don't we?", he asked me. I just put I massive grin on face trying to keep my excitement knowing where we were going. TO THE CHURCH!

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