Chapter 30

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Jacks pov

The sunshine shon through the window. Letting a blaze of light flash in my face. I sat up and looked over my shoulder to see Rose fast asleep. With one hand cradling her bump. I smiled and gave her a kiss on her head as I slowly slipped out under the sheets and let her sleep. I then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a quick snack while I made breakfast for me and Rose.

I worked efficiently and quietly as I possibly could. Beating the eggs and putting them in the pan to cook. I constantly kept looking purposely back at her to see if she woken up yet. As she is also beautifully stunning and gorgeous to look at the same time. How and when did I get so lucky with her?

As the eggs and smell started to thicken she started to squirm and slowly woke up. Laying on her side looking into the kitchen. Where I was cooking shirtless with my pyjamas pants ons.

She then got up and waddled over to me and stood behind my back "Good morning Jack", she said coming behind me and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Morning", I responded shaking the pan knowing that the eggs were done. I then walked over to the kitchen cupboards and got plates, knives and forks out. And set the out in the table while Rose took at seat. I then loaded our plates up with food and placed them on the table.

"Mmmmm this looks delicious", Rose complimented on my cooking as I placed it in front of her.

"That's because it is", I responded to her looking into her blue dazzling eyes before kissing her. We then sat at opposite ends and ate.

"Do you hear that?", Rose asked.

"Hear what?", I replied swallowing my food afterwards.

"That noise", I then heard a big banging noise from a hammer and people yells over the noise outside.

"Hold on a second", I jumped out of my chair and reached for my robe to tie around me and went downstairs.

I can see people at the front door.  The banging of nails got bigger and louder making an earthquake the more I got closer to the door. I looked through the clear windows to see if I knew anybody in the crowd that I know. All I saw was a giant ladder blocking my view and a pair of feet in the way. I then walked outside to see what was going on until I found out that it was all for me.

I.. I.. I can't believe this. It's a sign for my shop. My mouth was hanging wide open that I didn't see Mrs Molly Brown next to me.

"So what do you think of it Jack?", she asked me giving me a slap on the back to jump back into my body. I just turned to her with my face unchanged.

"What? Are you kidding me. This this.. This is AMAZING! It's incredible! Thank you so much", I gave her a big fat kiss on the lips to show my gratitude and thanks. Then I saw Rose in the shop coming towards the door to the crowd. "Rose!", I yelled pushing through the crowd to meet her at the door.

"Jack what's going on?", She asked I took her hand and lead her to a gap in the crowd.

"Close your eyes", I asked her. She then shut them and I spun her frontwards for her to see the sign. "Right now, open", I saw Roses face open with wonder then over come with joy. She spun around crashing into my lips.

"Why you like it?", I asked her.

"No. Are you kidding. I LOVE IT!", she showered me with more kisses.

"Well I'm glad you like it Rose darling", Molly replied.

"Molly!", Rose ran over to her giving her a hug like a child.

"Did you do this?", she asked her. Molly just put on her big smile as she always does.

"Well of course sweet pea. Besides you and Jack deserve the best possible start in your new lives together. And when I heard that you bought a house and I shop I couldn't believe it. So I wanted to help out. And well, this is me helping seal the end of the bargain for you's" , Rose then in earthed Molly with a big hug and loads of kisses. We then heard the final big screw go in. As the crowd let out a round applause and cheer as the man finished up.


The next week or so we set up the shop and did the remaining finishing touches. The week after we opened our doors for the first time. Their was a ribbon ceremony that Mary and Joseph organised and everything. To make this shop an 'official' trademark.

Business was pumping day in and day out. But I was glad to have Rose their beside me all the way. She helped get the children ready and properly dressed for their family portrait, as well as help them remain still and entertained while I drawed them. As much as she only had a few months here until the twins were born. We made each day count. We made each person count. We made my artwork count. And that's all I ever wanted in my life. And I am glad Rose is by my side sharing it with me.

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