Chapter 23

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Roses pov

The venue was lit up with all of its light.  Showing it's glowing  and making it the brightest place on the streets. I then look up to see Jacks name up in lights with it. People were flocking in through the gates to get their tickets to come inside. We then had to go  the side door entry where the staff come in and out of. We then entered the classic ballroom to find that it was filled with the most finest and richest people. Me and Jacks jaw dropped at the sight of the people who turned out support us.

"Jack! this... this is amazing!", I yelled to him to hear over the music . He just walked up to me and smiled and then kissed me. He then placed one of his hands on the back of my neck and one of my bump. It felt amazing.

"Jack Rose!", Joseph said walking up to us breaking apart our make out session. We then immediately pulled apart. I brushed stuff off my dress and Jack wiped his lips.

"This is Haliey and Sam Smith", Mary said

"Sam, Haliey this is Jack Dawson he drew our wedding portrait that is going to be revealed tonight", Joseph said giving an introduction.

"How do you do Jack", Sam said shaking Jacks hand in a gentlemanly way.

"And this is Jacks wife Rose", Mary said as I lended out my hand to be kissed on top.

"Pleasure Mrs Dawson", he said. Me and his wife looked then at each other with her curtsying to me. I then nodded my head and accepted her greeting. Then they both linked arms and walked away.

I then linked arms with Jack as we walked into the main crowd. "You did the splendidly Jack", I said complimenting him. He just smiled, "Now all you have to do now is exactly what you just did to everyone in this room"

"What? Are you serious?", he asked me.

"Don't worry I am right beside you. I know half of these people already thanks to my mother and Cal. I have no doubt that some of them received an invitation to me and Cals wedding", with that said we entered the full mix of the crowd. I then lead me and Jack to a small circle of people.

"Rose DeWitt-Bunakter?", one man asked in the circle. I knew exactly who he was. It was George Pittsburg.  He was one of my mums best friends from a long while back from when I was a kid.

"Yes. Yes that's me", I said as he came towards me and hugged me.

"Oh Rose. Look at you my dear", he said putting his hands upon my pregnant belly. "You look absolutely  splendid my dear", he said giving me a kiss on both cheeks. "Rose what brings you here to this fine accession? I haven't seen you in years?", he asked me I  just looked and held hands with Jack.

"Well George may I introduce my husband Jack Dawson who is the man of the evening", I said, With the people's faces in the circle he was in like 'Oh!'. I then continued to speak, "He drew Mary and Josephs wonderful wedding portrait,  which you are all about to see tonight"

"Well may I say my congratulations to you Jack", George said, "I know you are an incredible, lucky, talented man. Rose would be very proud of you", he said giving Jack a long stern handshake

"Well thank you", Jack said, "I am incredibly proud of Rose too sir", he said looking at me holding my hand.

"So how long have you two been together?", he asked.

"Over 5 months", Jack replied. George then immediately spat his wine out.

"5 MONTHS!!!", he exclaimed, "5 MONTHS you've know each other gotten married and now she's pregnant!", he yelled. It sounded to good to be true when he said that. Me and Jack tried to hide our happiness and laughter together. "But Rose doesn't even look 5 months she looks 7 or possibly even 8!!!How do you even know if the child is yours or not?", he asked shocked at the speed of our relationship and how far we have come.

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