Chapter 9

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Jacks Pov

Oh shit what am I gonna do? How am I going to find her? What happens if I'm to late? What happens if Cal and Ruth find out that she isn't engaged to Cal anymore but to me? What if they discover Rose is pregnant with the twins? What will they do to her? Ok ok ok you need to stop worrying Jack she can take care of herself for a little while. You just need to get your act together to rescue her from the evil slimy clutches of the man slut himself Caldon Hockly and his evil sidekicks who make up his mind and do his dirty work for him Ruth DeWitt-Bunkter and Spicer Lovejoy. And as well all of his other guards, servants and possibly the police if he gets them involved. This situation is hard enough all ready with Rose being pregnant and me not knowing where she is. I just need to focus and get more money for the both of us. Tomorrow I should go and sell The Heart of The Ocean to the highest bidder. And now... I should do what I do best draw. But all the shops are closed. God damnit!!! Hmmm... Well I'll have to try and get in their. Besides who wouldn't help a poor Titanic survivor who has nothing but his missing family and his ability to draw.

The streets are mostly cleared up by now with people sitting down in a warm restaurant eating. The streets were still drenched in all the tears of those who were lost in the Titanic sinking. I found my way to a street full of Op-Shops. Either thou they were closed I had to start making money somehow even if it was breaking in and stealing I would do anything for Rose and my new family. I knocked at 2 doors with no reply. I then tried the third and forth with the same answer. I tried the whole street with the same reply by then as I turned around to walk back up I saw a dim light coming from the ally way. God this is such a bad idea, but I have to do it for Rose and the twins that is all what matters. I take what I have which is left of me and walk down the dark ally only to find a sign swinging in the wind saying Gilbert Garage.

"Um hello?", I asked seeing if anyone would reply:

"Who is it?", a rusty old voice asked. With a man emerging from the darkness.

"Who are you?", he asked me walking and facing towards me.

"Umm hi I'm... I'm Jack Dawson", I said introducing myself to him and putting my hand in front so he could shake it.

"Gilbert", he reply with shaking my hand, "So what can I do for you Jack at this hour?"

"Umm well I was just looking for a few blank sheets of paper and pencils that's all", I answered his with.

"Hm", replied with surprised at my request, "Come this way", he then lead me out of the garage and into a hallway that lead to his craft shop. His craft shop was filled with very unique things like wooden sculptures craved from a block of wood, some statues made from rock and a few paintings up and around the walls. He then lead me over to a stand of art books like one I had on the Titnaic. "Leather or cardboard?", he asked me.

"Leather please", I answered he then took a dark brown leather book from stand and walked over to the front counter when he ducked under and got a drawing kit that had everything I needed to get started with.

"$25", he demanded for the book and the kit. I then rummaged through my pockets to find the amount required.

"Here", I said handing the money to him, "Thankyou", I said walking towards the shop door.

"No problem Jack, umm you might want to exit the way you came in"

"Oh yeah, thanks", I then made my way back and exit from Gilbert's garage where he made all the wooden stuff himself.

The street was very cold, wet and windy. I walked alone for a while before hitting the main streets.

The main streets of New York were so alive at night they never died and the lights never faded. I then found a dry spot outside a restaurant and I did what I did best draw.

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