Chapter 10

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*The next day*

Jacks pov

Ohhhh wow my sleep was amazing last night. It was the best ever sleep I've had in my whole life! The bed oh the bed it was amazing. The most comfy bed I've ever been on or slept on or in fact anything. But of course that time was at an end. I have to go to work and to also find Rose. Oh shit ROSE!

I immediately grab my book and my equipment and run down the flight of stairs.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit ", I kept repeating as I went down the stairs. I forgot about Rose. What happens if I'm to late? What happened if she and twins are harmed? What happens if I don't find her? What happens if Cal poesponds the wedding? I just need to get to her quickly to make sure if she is alright. I was just about to walk out the door when...

"Jack", Mary calls out from somewhere in the house, "Jack where are you going? You are going to miss breakfast"

"Listen Mary I... I Just have to go and find Rose to see if she and the twins are alright. I... I just have to know if she is alright Mary. She and the twins are the only family I got now. I have to protect them even if it costs my life."

"Well Jack do you even have a clue where Rose?", I shook my head. I knew nothing on her whereabouts or wellbeing.

" Well ok then. That's a start at least. Come on why don't you have breakfast first then we can go and find Rose", I reluctantly accepted. But it was only distracting me even more from finding her and giving Cal and his servants more time to discover the truth.

I sat down at a big table made for at least over 35 people. At one end of the table was me, Mary and Joseph that's all. All the other seats were empty. Their servants than came out with breakfast and also tea and coffee.

Mmmm the smell of bacon and eggs. It lifted my spirit up for leaving Rose and the twins. At least I know that they are being fed now like this. At a big table with rich food but not nice people like I have now. The servants the piled my plate with food. 3 rassions of bacon and 2 eggs. It was definitely the one of the best meals I've had in a long time.

"So Jack I hear that you are going out to look for your fiancé?", Joseph asked me.

"Well yes. I must find her. Her life and the twins life are at risk. I have to find her. I have to find them"

"But do you have any idea where they possibly are?", Mary asked.

"Well yes in a way. She was taken by her ex-fiancé Caldon Hockley", Mary and Joseph's eyes just looked at eachothers when I mentioned Cal. They must know him from somewhere but I don't know.

"Sorry but did you say Caldon Hockley?", Joseph repeated again.

I nodded, "Yes", I saw the look on Mary's face. Her head went down low and hanged their. Now I have to ask.

"Why do you know Cal?", their was an award ward silence at the dinner table.

"He was former fiancé", Mary said in the dead silence. I am shocked.
Mary ran away from Cal?! She ran away from Cal and his money for true love with Joseph. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I made things worse for you Rose. I really am. After I broke up with Cal he went on rampage to try and get me back. And I know that he would never accept defeat. I know after losing me he was looking for another. And I know after losing me he would not let this one go out of his sights", I could tell Mary was getting emotional. I felt so sorry for her. No wonder why Cal was so desperate to marry Rose and give her the expensive necklace it was all to get her to stay. To let her use the money. But I could tell Mary was smarter than that and so is Rose.

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