Chapter 18

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Jacks Pov

I saw Roses face light up with a bright big smile. She then immediately hugged and kissed me. She then went to grab the door all excited to get out and party.

"Wa wa wa wa wa wait Rose wait!", I then climbed out of the car and went around to her side like a true gentleman and husband to open her door. We then walked inside together holding hands.

It was so loud with nothing but laughter and smiles all round. As we continued to walk down the small path to get to the bar random people were slapping am giving us pats on the back saying congratulations to both of us. When we were 3/4 of the way down the isle I was dragged over to a table of people that looked my age. I then looked back to Rose to see if she made it to the bar.

Roses Pov

As Jack was pulled away from me an sat down with his new mates. I continue to walk to the bar and take a seat.

"Would you like a drink their love?", an old crusty man said behind the counter to me.

"Oh no thank you. I can't... I can't drink at the moment", the noise and the laughter was loud that he couldn't even here me.

"Oh ok I'll try again later", he replied.

"Oh no", I was then cut of by Mary taking a seat beside me and putting her martini on the table.

"So...", she said, "What do you think of this?", she asked me.

"Well it's ummm...", then a punch up fight happened in the small table in the corner. It started off as a quite game of cards but then something happened. Men were screaming all over the place placing their bets on who would win the fight. They all made a large circle right in the middle on the tavern with me and Mary in the middle up against the bar. I can't even hear myself think. It is so loud in here all you can hear is "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT FIGHT! FIGHT!" , Being screamed and yelled out. Then the punches started rolling in and that's where the action, fun and entertainment was.

Jacks Pov

I could see Rose cheering and seeing the fight from the bar with Mary. It is so good. Chairs and tables breaking , blood everywhere from where they have been hit by hands of objects. Everyone in the tavern was involved in the mixed of all.

Roses pov

"JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY JOHNNY!!!", I yelled with the crowd as he beat the shit out of his opponent. "YAYYYYYYYY HOOOORRRRRAAAAAYYYYY!!!!", the crowd roars as Johnny had won the fight. Johnny was then gives slaps and pats on the back as he made his way over to the bar were I am.

"So Rose you were telling me..." Mary asked as the crowd, Johnny and the noise got closer.

"It's incredible honestly", I replied loudly in her ear so she could hear. Just then Johnny showed up at the bar. He got the biggest glass filled with beer to the very brim.

"DO IT DO DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!", it kept getting louder and faster until he skulked the whole drink. The crowd roared with their delight that he had drinken the biggest drink. Johnny the rolled out his cup onto the table saying "another!", he insisted as the batman filled it once again fully. He then started to drink it normal as the crowd behind him started to disappear into the wilderness . He then suddenly caught his eyes on me and Mary.

"So would you like a sip?", he asked me putting the glass to my lips.

"No no. I can't" , I replied. Mary then pushed her empty glass into the gap between us so he could top her up.

"Thank you", she replied clinking his and her glasses together and then both taking a sip.

"So are you sure you don't want a drink? Especially when it is your wedding day after all", he asked me again.

"As tempting as it might seem. I can't. I'm pregnant", his eyes just widen with him almost choking on his beer.

"You're what?!?!??", he said surprisingly.

"But but but how? You don't look a day over 16 or 17", he said.

"Well I am currently 17 I tuned 18 in October", he was so astonished. Then the next thing I heard was music. Jack then came over to me.

"Come on Rose", he said lending his hand to me. "Let's go", we then clasped out hands together and started dancing around like we first did back on Titanic.

Jacks Pov

The hours flew by. So fast that the night has still not yet ended. We have been there since at least 12 pm and now it is 6pm that night. And the celebrations have not or have even began yet.

Me and Joseph then walked over to the girls who were laughing madly.

"Alright it's time to go Rose", I said politely to her.

"Ok then", she then got up and gave me a kiss on the lips as we then walked outside to get in the car. As we walked out we said goodbye and gave hugs to the people we met. And had little side chats that made Rose crack up in laughter. Then we are off to Mary and Joseph's.

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