Chapter 25

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Rose pov

It has been a few weeks since we revealed Jacks drawing of Mary and Joseph. And now the whole of New York wants a piece of his talent. Jack has been offered heaps and heaps of money and his name is going WORLD wide!!! Me, Jack, Mary and Joseph have decided to stay indoors and wait for the frenzy to die down.

This was our first time back on the streets. It was just me and Jack. We needed to pick up some supplies for his upcoming work as well as eat.

"Alright Rose", Jack said as he pulled up the street from a coffee shop," Let's go", he said hopping out of the car to help me. I am so fat and heavy now my whole body aches from carrying twins. Jack linked arms with me and walked at my very slow walking pace until we got to the coffee shops stairs. It was mainly empty with a few people sitting in scattered places in the shops. Jack and I then walked up to the counter to order.

"Hello how may I help you?", the man behind the counter asked.

"Ummmm I will have a small takeaway coffee and ummm...", he then looked at me to see what I would have.

"Ummm I will have a glass of water and  3 muffins please", I said to the man.

"3?", Jack said and looked at me.

"Yes. One for you one for me and one spare or for the babies", I said as Jack looked at me.

"Ah Son?", the man said with his hand out waiting for the money.

"Oh yeah here", Jack said as he rummaged through his pockets to find some cash. He then handed him the money as I went to sit down at a nearby table and picked up the newspaper. Jack then followed and sat across from me. I just kept continuing reading as he just stared across from.

"Alright. Well I'm going to run across the road and get some smokes", he said giving me a kiss on the top of the head.

"Alright", I whisperer back giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Ok. The order is under the name Dawson", he said as he exited the door. I just nodded.

Jacks Pov

I got my smokes and came back to the coffee shop. I then entered the door and looked to my right. I then saw a pale white red head women with a hat on her head looking at me quickly before quickly holding up a newspaper covering her face. I then knew who exactly who she was. It was Ruth Diwitt-Bunkater, Roses mother. Her snake eyes then appeared at the top of the newspaper before quickly going down again. I just looked her up and down and made my way to Rose. I then sat down at the table where she was still reading the newspaper

"Any big news today?", I asked her.

"Not as big as you or me", she responded with.

"Rose God! You can't say that about yourself", she then put the paper down. "Rose you hear me! You can't keep patronising yourself just because your carrying twins. You are carrying our children Rose?!?", I then saw her eyes start to water at what she said about herself and our children. I then knew I had to get out or I will make things worst. "Right I'm going to have a quick smoke", I said hopping out of my chair and walking out the door. I then walked a few doors down to corner of the street and leaned against the concrete wall.

Roses Pov

It was so stupid of me to say and think that. And it hurt Jacks feelings. He never puts people down. And that's what I love about him. He loves life, freedom and people. He never in forces negatives on them. I keep pounding my thoughts in my head when I look up to see a pale white red haired rich women trying to move quickly past me. It was my mother.

"Mother", I said. She just suddenly stopped and slowly turned around to meet me. He eyes sharpened like a blade on me. I slowly got up and shook her hand. As every normal person would greet someone. I just smiled at her while her eyes shot a bullet through me. I then place both my hands on my stomach. The twins were kicking mad and hard. I guess they felt the tension that I was feeling and how I wanted to lash out at her. But I guess they were doing that for me by putting me in cronic pain. "OW!", I yelled in my mothers face rubbing my tummy "You two better settle down now, the food is coming", I said talking to them both. My mother just looked at me like she had saw a ghost standing in front of her. Her eyes just glared at my ballooning stomach. "Do... do you want to feel them?", I asked her stuttering because of how nervous I was. She then raised her head and looked straight at me.

"Them?", she asked.

"Yes", I responded with, "I'm carrying twins mother", I said. Her head than slowly made its way back down to my stomach where it was attracted to before. I then made my move. I grabbed both of her hands and placed them on each of the twins. Her hands moved around the shape of my belly feeling every inch of the little beings that were growing inside of me.

"So that's the reason why you kept throwing up isn't it? You had relations with Jack while you were on the Titanic didn't you?", as soon as she said that her head looked up at me. Her hands then gently came off my belly. And I knew that she hasn't changed, not one single bit.

"Well yes I did. Around about 10-15 minuets before the iceberg hit", her face just sharpened at me then I realised what she was thinking this whole time , "You thought I was carrying Cal child didn't you?", I asked her.

"Dawson!", the man at the counter yells . I then need to give my mother my final parting word and a piece of my mind.

"You thought I was because of how fat I was and that I do not look 5 months pregnant at all. I can probably guess that you have been praying that every night. That you wish it is Cals child but it's not. And I want you to tell him this for me. Tell him that Rose is married to Jack and is over 5 months pregnant with their set of twins on the way ok?", I then walked away and went up to collect me and Jacks order. "Thank you", I said to guy as I carried Jacks coffee and our muffins. I then stopped and looked at my mother.

"You have a nice day then", I said to her as I opened the door waking out of the hell hole. I then start walking down the street to see Jack on the other side of the road looking at this empty building.

"Here you go. One coffee and one muffin", I said handing him his food giving him a kiss on the lips, "What you looking at?", I asked him as we stared through the widows seeing everything and detail of the room.

"I was just... I was just thinking about..."

"About what?", I asked him wanting him to give me the answer.

"About opening up my own art shop", he said shyly, "Like at this place right here", he then took my hand and tugged me over to the sign that was in the door. "I mean look Rose. It has this small shop down stairs and you also get the apartment upstairs as well together part of the deal. And it's only $450 a mouth for both places. And besides if I'm working and I don't want to drive to Mary and Josephs I can stay here the night. Think about it Rose. Now we don't have to live here..."

"I think it's a great idea", I said cutting him off.

"Rel...rel..really?", he asked me.

"Yeah why not", I responded with happily.

"Ha ha", Jack said as he happily kissing me. "Come on then", he said giving me a massive tug almost dropping his coffee and spilling it on my self.

"Wait Jack. No Jack. Your coffee Jack", I said as he stopped tugging me towards the car to rush somewhere. He just smiled and nodded at me before taking his coffee.

"Thank you", he said walking to the car holding my hand while trying to skull it down. "Urrhhh it's to cold", he said chucking into a bin before crossing the road. I just laughed as we then threw our arms over each other walking across the road to our car to go home.

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