Chapter 8

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Roses Pov

The car ride was long, hot and bumpy. Their was no way I could escape. I was in cage going to a slave master who bought me. There was no way out of it. I knew who bought me and I know what is going to happen their is no use denying it. Jack needs to find me quick but how? He doesn't even know where I am? What will happen if he doesn't get here in time and I have to get married to Cal? What will happen if Cal of my mother find out I'm pregnant? My whole world is going to end when I arrive. Jack needs to find me. And fast.

*The car pulls up at a mansion*

Lovejoy hops out and tries to get me out but I didn't budge. There was no way I was going to that prison. He then full on grabs me and flings me out of the car and onto the rocky road below. I look up only to find the people I never wanted to see again Cal and my mother.

"What the hell Lovejoy!", Cal said angrily.

"What in the world. Rose?", then my mother rushed over to me helping me up and brushing all the pebbles and dust of me.

"Found miss DiWitt-Bukater here on the streets of New York begging for people to give her money"

"Rose is that true?", my mother asked me. I just looked at her then my eyes met Cals.

"You know if you would've stayed with me that wouldn't be necessary. But of course, you are here now alive, safe and well and none of that matters anyone", but it did to me. That is the money that starts out future as a family. "You must be freezing come on let's get you inside", Cal and my mother then walk me inside with Lovejoy trailing behind us.

The house was warm. Mother probably put the heaters on. It was very fancy with cream and white walls closing in on me and chandeliers high up in the ceiling so their is more gravity to pull it down to the ground smashing me on the head. This place was a death trap. I know what Cal was capable of, and that he will do anything he can to do it. That was the part the scared me the most. Jack just needs to come quick to rescue me. My mother then introduced me to my new maid

"Rose this is your new maid Laura. Laura this is Rose and she will mainly be boss so you just listen to her now."

"Hi", I said putting out my hand so we can shake hands

"How do you do", she replied sweetly like Trudy my old maid. I really miss her and I want her back badly. She was kind, caring, friendly to me but most of all she understood me. She is the only one who knows how Cal treats me and she is the only one who has seen it in action. But of course she is dead now, she is at the bottom of Atlantic.

"Shall I take you to your room miss DeWitt-Bukter?", she asked polity

"Ah sure", Laura then started leading me to my room. She gave me a brief tour of the rooms I walked past, so I have a better idea where everything is so that I could escape when I need to.

Laura then opened the door to my room. It was very grand. It was big, bright and very open because of the glass windows looking out to the front where we pulled up. The bed was very big made with fresh new sheets made from the finest of silk. This was grand and as much as Jack I won't ever have this luxury I am going to take advantage of it for one last time.

"Is their anything else you require Miss?", Laura asked.

"No, no, you are dismissed for tonight Laura. You can go home.", with that said Laura then exited the room shutting the door leaving me to enjoy these nice surroundings for the very last time before I plan my escape.

I then get ready for bed. Putting on a fine new night gown. I then turn off the candle light and popped into bed. Hoping that Jack was coming up a plan to save me.

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