Chapter 15

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Jacks Pov

We then arrived at the church. I then helped Rose out of the car (like a true gentlemen) and walked her inside holding her hand. I feel her shaking unable to contain the excitement that we were going to plan our wedding. She was so excited, anxious and nervous about the whole thing. But one thing is for sure that she is not as stressed about planning it unlike Cal's. The one thing we both agreed on was a small wedding.

After the fall of the Titanic we had no one else left. We couldn't exactly invite Molly because their is a possibly she could tell Ruth and Cal. Because she is best friends with Ruth. And then their is all of Roses so called 'friends' which we also have the same problem with also. And after Titanic sank claiming both of my friends I have no one else to invite. The only people I can think of and call them friends are Dr Cooper and his wife and Mary and Joseph. They were basically the only people me and Rose on the whole planet trusted and call friends right now.

Roses pov

We then made our way to the front to the Parish Priest.

"Hello and welcome", he said to us, "How may I possibly help you both?", he asks us

"Well.. We're getting married!", Jack blurted out to him as I jumped for joy that this was really happening.

"Ohhhhh what a marvellous tremendous news", he said excited about it. "Now let's get down to business then.", he said getting out a big leather book. "Now what day are you planning on having the wedding then?", he asked. Me and Jack both just looked to each other knowing that we both had no idea when we were going to have it.

"Ummm well...", Jack said, "When is your next available slot?", he asked.

"2 days. Saturday the 20th of April", he said quick and clear. I just looked at Jack and nodded. "Great then! How many guests are you expecting?"

"Ummm well no more than four for certain. Ummm we don't know actually. We haven't asked anyone yet", Jack said.

"Ok then. Do... Do you two need anymore time to...", me and jack then interrupted him.

"No no no!", he both said to him waving out hands in front of him like idiots.

"The thing is we need to be married as soon as possible. Ok? Ok? Rose is pregnant with twins and we don't know if the dress will fit her then their is Cal. And we just need to get married as soon as possible. So if Saturday is your only available day. Then we will go Saturday."

"Alright Jack. I will book you two in for Saturday", the pastor said. ARRRRRHHHHHH ME AND JACK ARE GOING TO BE MARRIED ON SATURDAY IM SO EXCITED!!!!! I could help but squeeze Jacks hands with excitement as he did with mine. I am going to be Mrs Dawson on Saturday.

Jacks Pov

Rose couldn't contain the excitement anymore than I could. My hand was being squished to death by love and excitement that she had to let out.

"Right Jack, Rose here is your wedding brochure it has the date of your wedding it will be on Saturday 20th of April 1912 at 10:00an. So make sure you are here before 9 or so. And since the wedding is only a day after tomorrow I would like these forms back on what wedding you would want, setup and the decorations that you would on around the church. So here these are your files they are preferably due back tomorrow with all your preferences and paper work done.", he said with a smile handing each of us a file. "Congratulations", he said shaking both of our hands, "And I will hopefully see you two tomorrow or on Saturday"

"Thank you", I said to him.

"Thank you", Rose said. Then we got up and walked out of the chapel.

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