Chapter 11

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Roses Pov

*That same morning*

"JACK!", I cried as I woke up from my sleep. Oh god where is he? Today is a new full day and anything can happen. I then start to have stomach cramps from the twins, "Ow! Jezze you two must be hungry", I rubbed my stomach . I then heard footsteps coming towards my room. I quickly jump back into bed and fall back asleep.

"Good morning Miss DeWitt-Bukter", Laura said cheerfully as she wondered into my room opening the blinds to let all the fresh new light in to brighten up my bedroom, "It's a beautiful day today. The sun is shining and...", I then threw up. It seems that the twins had fully cleared their stomachs and mine, for the nice big dishes of rich food today. Laura then immediately rushed to my aid. I kept regurgitating. The acid in my stomach were in full swing to get everything out. It burned and it killed me. All I was doing was throwing up acid that I didn't need. Luckily Laura thought the stomach bug not morning sickness. I then stopped. I felt so tied and pale in my face. "I'll go and get you some water for you miss", Laura said as helped back onto my bed for rest while she went to fetch some water. My stomach growled and tossed and turned. Laura then came in with a jug filled with water and a cup." Here miss", she said filling the cup up and handing it to me.

"Thank you Laura", as I sipped the water. It was so refreshing and hydrating it sent a chill over whole body.

"Now miss Rose what are you going to  wear today?", I then remained stationary on the bed drinking the cold water while Laura went into the closet to pull something out for me to wear. "What about this?", showing me a wonderful lavender/pink dress like the one I wore the night before.

"It's perfect", I replied hoping out of bed to get changed and put it on.

"Here's your corset too. Do you want me to do it up for you?"

"Umm Yes please. Just... Just not to tight that's all. I want to be able to have some room for the food that's all"

"Well as long as you are comfortable then I'm doing my job right", I then took the dress and corset form Laura's hands and went into the bathroom to get undressed.

I didn't notice much changes besides that I had put on a grams around me belly. And two little nosels on each side of my stomach on where the twins were resting. It felt amazing putting my hand on each of them and feeling their little tiny hearts beat.

"Miss do you need my help to put the corset on?", Laura yelled through the other side of the door. I then quickly grab it and put it on my naked body before Laura walked in.

"Umm yes you can come in now Laura", I called holding the corset together at the back with my two hands. Laura then quickly gets I work tightening.

"Oh OW!", I screamed qwinching my stomach.

"Sorry miss did I pull to hard then?", I was trying to get my breath back. It sucked everything back to my spine.

"Just...Laura...just loosen it up a bit", I said trying to still get my breath back after being confined to one body carrying two precious human beings  inside me as well as my many different kinds and types of organs trying to work properly. Without being confined to much space that they are being provided with.

Ahhhhhhh. sweet relief as Laura loosened it. I could finally breathe normal again. And everything went back to where it belongs.

"Umm Miss do you want me to tighten it again for you", Laura asked politely.

"Umm. No. No thank you Laura. Just tie it up as it is now", I asked. Laura then tied it up and the dress went over the top. It was gorgeous. You could see that in a way I put on weight but you could blame it on the thickness and  tightness of the corset and how tight/baggy the dress is. I was ready to go to breakfast down stairs with the devils.

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