Chapter 36

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Roses Pov

I laid in bed while staring at Jack holding Lilly and Jackson in a bundle in his arms. He rocked them side to side and talked to them playing with their fingers. It was the most cutest sight I've ever seen in my life. Jack didn't look once at me, he was in the moment caught up with them both. He started to hush them to sleep and laid them both down in the crib. He then turned around to see me laying awake.

"Oh! You're still up. Did you see all of that?", he asked. I put on a smile and a chuckle. I then reached out my arms to him. He came and kissed me.

"How did I ever become so lucky to have you and them?", I said stroking the back of his hair.

"I don't know. I was going to ask you the same thing. But we are here now and that's all that matters. We have two beautiful newborn children, Lilly and Jackson. And I have a wife who loves me forever and back just the way I am", he then planted a soft kiss on my lips with a soft moan and then went off to get changed into his pyjamas. I had to ask him about the head nodding thing with the doctor. Was it to make sure that everything was alright? Or was it much more then that? Jack then re-entered the bedroom doing up his buttons on his sleep shirt.


"Yeah. What is it Rose?", he replied finishing his final button.

"Why were you nodding at the doctor after both of the twins were born?" I asked as Jack looked at himself in the mirror. He then froze when I asked him that question. Now I know something is wrong. He brought his hands up to his face trying to think.

"It's nothing trust me. You don't need to worry about it", he avoided the question and sat beside me.

"I'm not going to sleep till you tell me what it was about", I turned to him. But he didn't even look at me.

"I was afraid you might say that", he turned and met my glare. I can see great pain in his eyes. So much pain and clinging on to what he had.

"Tell me", I responded rubbing up against him.

"Well I guess it's time to tell you that twins run in our family then huh?", my mouth then dropped. How could he not of told me about this? Even when we found out we were having twins he didn't mention anything. He hasn't even told me anything about his family. Other then a few stories about what he and his father did. He had completely missed this small little detail out.

All I could say was, "yes"

"And I know that I'm a complete idiot for not telling you sooner but..", tears then started to swell in his eyes. His jaw slightly shaking. Obviously something had happened and it has impacted his life. Big time. "I had two younger sisters. They were identical twins. Their names were Grace and Hope", he mumbled upon trying to remain strong. I then cuddled him.

"Oh it's ok Jack" I said comforting him and giving him a kiss on the head while I held him in my arms.

"They were.. They were..", he couldn't finish. He broke down in tears crying into my chest like a child. "They were so so young and beautiful", he cried into my chest, "they were so young", he sulked. With his head now resting upon my chest with him trying to catch his breath. "They were so beautiful Rose", he then sniffled, "they were so so beautiful. They were so full of life and energy", he explained to me. "My mother..", he went on saying, "died in childbirth having them. She bled to her death after the second one was born..", I then went silent. That's why he nodded to make sure the afterbirth was ok. That's why he never wanted to leave. That's why he kept distracting me a himself from all of those things. It all made sense. "I watched my mother die Rose. It's the most worst, horrible thing that a 7 year old ever has to watch through the crack of the door..", I then took a deep breath continuing to listen to Jacks story. My heart ached for him, "my mother screamed when the youngest of the two Hope came out. My father barged on in there with nothing holding him back. She was then born, with me standing at the door and them both holding the girls. My mother was then cleared of the afterbirth but then continued to bleed. The doctors and nurses could do nothing to save her. She just laid there. Spending as much time with my father and the girls as possible. But as soon as I heard the news at the crack of the door, I walked back down the stairs and waited. I waited for my father to call me up and I finally entered the room. The girls were placed in a cot, while the doctors and the nurses went down stairs to clean and sterilise everything. I just stood in front of my dying mother. She was so white and place she could hardly move or speak.", I then started to cry. While Jack sucked up his tears and tried to continue on, "she told..", but he then couldn't do it. He broke down again in the sheets. I then grabbed him and pulled him in towards me as he continued to weep. Who knew Jack, a person who is so full of life, hope, and loves exploring and going on adventures could be so broken inside. He lost all of his family. But he lost his mother first. His only mother, that loved and nurtured him who he saw fade before his eyes.

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